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About Epiphany

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    (7) Enchanter
    (7) Enchanter

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    Graphic design, console gaming , and movies
  1. I think the bulk of the information revolves around the fact that it was Todd Howard of Bethesda in an interview with UK OXM about Fallout 3. That's where the conclusions are being drawn from. You wouldn't do an interview for a game with a platform specific magazine unless you had plans to release the game on that platform. On top of that, you have the news that Bethesda has finally gotten Gamebyro to utilize the three cores on Xenon, rather than just having it be a more brute force approach as in Oblivion. That shows they're still working on the engine for the console, and you wouldn't do that unless you had plans to release another game on the console using that engine - Fallout 3 does. Too many glaring facts do look at the news of Fallout 3 and not see that it's coming to the 360 - and most likely the PS3 if Oblivion sells well on the platform.
  2. Probably already covered at some point in the rambling of this thread, but there's Fallout 3 info in the new OXM due next month from what I've read. Either OXM UK or just the standard OXM.
  3. Have you seen the videos of how horrible the PS3 backwards compatibility is?
  4. At no point have I ever discredited the PS2 for its achievements in God of War and Shadow of the Colossus. Try to keep your ignorant accusations to yourself. Again, your short-sightedness astounds me. And no, I didn't know they had a limit for how much hard drive space games can use. Provide a link for that? I'm beginning to think you're wrong.
  5. Because they can't read every word of the spoken dialog, it's dialog without text. Their standards for story-telling are vastly different, plus it's cool to be cynical.
  6. Gears of War for the most part.
  7. They're showing the more emotional dialog because it is a stronger selling point. I don't think it has anything to do with "ADHD people", it's simply an aspect of the game that seems 'cool' to lots of people. While you may play a sarcastic person in your mind, games by the most, don't reward the player for thinking "Hey, I'm going to say this line sarcastically", so there is no benefit since the game is black/white. They're wanting a real time conversation feeling, so they're allowing you to quickly scan the responses and choose the one that you want to portray. Keeps the dialog flowing.
  8. Oh please ... when "roleplaying" in a video game you pick the response that you want. Whether it's an "angry" (evil most of the time) response, a "nice" response, a "neutral" response, a "greedy" response, or whatever. It's no different before, only this time, instead of reading dialog the entire game, it's broken down into the basics of the response, and the real dialog is acted for you. Of course, I can see how it's horrible. I'd rather my characters stand there waving their arms pointlessly and not interacting with anyone around them or showing any emotion. That's real story-telling. It's no different, just put your pessimistic outlook on the game aside and you'll realize that.
  9. Not sure why you're still confused. It's emotional based dialog. You have your general emotion responses, and your character "acts" out the corresponding dialog. Over analyzing perhaps?
  10. He starts off strong with this bold claim (we'll ignore his DirectX 10 debacle for now).. ..and a few lines later in the post comes this claim: Oblivion is Xbox 360 exclusive! I think it's common knowledge by now that Oblivion will indeed come to the Playstation 3. Because he was so clearly proven wrong earlier in the same post I thought this last little paragraph was hilarious. ) Ahem.. back to searching! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How is my comment on Oblivion wrong? Oh yeah, it's not. Bethesda said time and time again that every console that could handle it would get it. - It was 360 exclusive, they continually claimed so, and then got it up and running on the PS3. How is that comment wrong? Dig up quotes, I couldn't care less, but I've been right the vast majority of the time. Multiplatform games are better on the 360, be it by color contrast or by framerate/stability. I constantly said 360 games would be better, or equal to PS3 games. Hell, even 1up's "What the cell is going on?" article is an utter mockery of what Sony claimed the PS3 would be, versus what it actually turned out to be. The hardware is almost a joke - the lack of unified memory will cripple the system. Epic (who is a multiplatform developer) has already said the 360 runs the UE3 better than the PS3, and that Gears of War would be impossible to run on the PS3 due to its lack of memory. Online is better on the 360, as Sony's free service doesn't even begin to compare to the quality of Live. Nothing is global and everything is slapped together. Sony was so sloppy with their online component that some games had to have online support completely removed - THPS 8 for instance. No hardware scaler? LOL - I guess Sony is still waiting to let everyone play in HD - since it (next-gen) was supposed to start when they said so. I fully understand that most of the people here are anti Xbox/MS, that's fine and no big deal. I'll continue to post, and I'll continue to be here to laugh and chuckle when another PS3 failing comes to light. Dig up more quotes though, it saves you from actually participating in the topic itself. Oh and you wanted games, but can't "find" anything good on the 360? Sandbox = Just Cause and Saints Row [GTA 4 with exclusive episodic content next year] RPG = Oblivion and Enchanted Arms - [blue Dragon (9/9/9/10 in Famitsu and second most wanted game in Japan - per a Famitsu poll), Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Eternal Sonata, and Mass Effect next year (except perhaps Fable 2)]
  11. What exactly is wrong with Mass Effect's dialog? It's an emotional based dialog system ... You have various emotional replies to choose from and then the character does the real dialog that corresponds to your choice. I don't see how that's any reflection on "console controls", or having the entire dialog tree consist of "one-liners and short replies". It's a great way to keep the dialog moving forward - closer to what would happen in the real world, instead of having pauses while you read through 90 words just to pick the reply you want. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No one is thinking that the idea of having "real-time, emotional responses" as a bad design choice. But with Bioware's recent trackrecord in terms of substance, this very feature leaves many worried that Bioware will turn Mass Effect into a Halo with stats and adhd-responses for the graphicwh*re-generation. Phew, i think i went on a 'codex parade there... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Recent track record? Huh? KOTOR and Jade Empire were full of dialog and substance, especially Jade Empire.
  12. What exactly is wrong with Mass Effect's dialog? It's an emotional based dialog system ... You have various emotional replies to choose from and then the character does the real dialog that corresponds to your choice. I don't see how that's any reflection on "console controls", or having the entire dialog tree consist of "one-liners and short replies". It's a great way to keep the dialog moving forward - closer to what would happen in the real world, instead of having pauses while you read through 90 words just to pick the reply you want.
  13. Wow, were you trying to make the MOST TROLLISH post seen on the forum since ... well, you last posted? ^_^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stating facts equals trolling now? Interesting.
  14. When you have a company that hyped their product to such a degree that they failed to deliver on nearly every aspect, then yes, they should be judged from day one. Sony spent too much effort downplaying the 360, and claiming they were "real" next gen - utter failure. It was an abysmal launch for an overhyped and underwhelming console. They held on to it for a full year and never once looked at what MS did right/wrong, they just kept the blinders on and pushed forward without realizing just how FUBAR their system was.
  15. If by bargin they mean shabby games that actually run worse than their 360 counterparts, a lack luster launch line-up, horrible online service, and a controller that needed drastic remodeling, then yeah, it's a bargin. PS3 am fail.
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