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About Immortal

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  1. If today's effects were present in 1970s you would no doubt have seen Luke doing all the things Anakin and the others do in the movies and games. I know he doesn't look impressive in the old movies but considering how powerful the Emperor and Vader are supposed to be he is justly considered to be the strongest ever. And I think it's cool as hell that even though he's a Jedi Master he wears that all black uniform and boots, rather than the traditional Jedi robes. As for the others, I'd say Palpatine/Sidious is more powerful than Yoda, as much as I love the little guy. Why would he have gone into hiding otherwise? And there really is no way to compare old schoolers and new schoolers because there realy is no standard or benchmark except for the "official" lists and midichlorian counts and such. Another thing you may want to take notice of is after a certain point Jedi masters get weaker with age for the most part because they rely almost exclusively on lightsaber combat. On the other hand, Sith who use a lot of powers besides their lightsabers do not seem to weaken as much, they just become more reliant on their force powers. Because of that I would venture to say that Palpatine would have gotten his ass handed to him if he had gone saber on saber mano a mano vs Luke, and Yoda never so much as picked up a saber when training Luke. Bottom like here I think is Force powers don't affect how Jedi age, and while the finer points of lightsaber combat are governed by the Force, if your body can't hack it the force won't do much for you. It would also serve to explain why all the old Jedi characters in the games (Jolee/Kreia) are consulars and not some other more physically adept class.
  2. I'm new to this whole RPG scene and not likely to play much outside the KOTOR series just because most of the other games don't grab you like this one does. I'm hoping whoever it is they have a bit more clout with LA than OE did so they can hold on to the game until it's done. And the list of quality companies that can stand toe to toe with LA on release dates and such, I'm sad to say, is a pretty small one.
  3. When I'm chilling mostly Atton. Laid back but guarded. When it's time to handle my business I tend to get a bit.........Mandalorian.
  4. I was content to just lurk but you all are getting ridiculous. I've played both games, and I gotta say, it's not that freakin serious. KOTOR2 may be buggy but KOTOR1 isn't perfect by far. In about 12 hours of play I've encountered two crashes, and Dantooine still runs like crap on my 9800 Pro without that .ini option added. Outside that both games ran about the same with maybe MAYBE a few more bugs on KOTOR2's side, but KOTOR1's patch version is 1.03, there is no excuse for the crashes and chopiness on Dantooine. Yeah, the story kinda leaves you hanging, but that's how the second episode in a trilogy is supposed to be. Those of you taking this out on the people at OE are gonna gain some major DSPs. LA are the ones that screwed the pooch on this because they pushed hard to get it out by Christmas or thereabouts, so please direct your ire at them. And it's not a horrible decision business-wise either. Or, to paraphrase Chris Rock, I'm not saying they should have done it, but I understand. As far as I'm concerned, as someone who also works in the business, it's a marvel they had that much of a story together and had that many improvements and additions to the original within a year. These guys had a lot of great ideas, worked their butts off, and I'm sure that if they had a few more months KOTOR2 would have topped KOTOR1 easily. That all being said, a content patch would be just what the doctor ordered but it seems LA does not want to give us anything for free. They're probably saying "keep it for KOTOR3, as long as you can make that within a year as well." At least they're not selling it for $15 like M$ did with the MechWarrior 4 Mech Paks. And what's really sad is KOTOR3 will probably flop and LA still won't learn their lesson:good games sell themselves no matter what time of the year it is. All the same I'm still a die hard fan of the series because these games are the most addictive I've ever played. I just finished a near-20 hour marathon replaying KOTOR as full on DS, and I'm ready to take my show over to KOTOR2 for a DS replay as well. So quit raggin on OE for something they had no control over; be thankful the game works for the most part. If consider yourself a fan of the series, I think OE and LA deserve a little slack for putting out an excellent game, and a mostly great game within one year of each other. Who knows, maybe someone at LA might actually think about the fans and try to make KOTOR3 as complete and as satisfying as possible. Starting off with the Exile and Revan together wouldn't be a bad idea all things considered. :D
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