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Darth Chaos

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Everything posted by Darth Chaos

  1. Well good news, patch fixed several bugs. bad news, the darkside/lightside bug where i would go true light/dark and my companions go the other way no matter how high/low the influence is, is still annyoing the heck out of me. patch didn't fix that. Am I the only one that is suffering from this irritating bug? (minor spoiler for those who dont know this): BTW guys, I played through light and darkside and Master Vash is still dead each time i go to Korriban. But maybe thats just my game.
  2. If the above quote is reference to my problem DarthMacLeod, then i have to say im not really in a position to get a game swap. (considering i wont be able to go within 10 feet of another game store for awhile). Is there somthing i can do with my current version? or does anyone else have a solution? If not, then maybe the upcoming patch might have a solution.
  3. Im having the same problem, except not only when my characters level up, but it seems everytime i get a lightside/darkside point, my party members go in the opposite direction. i.e. if i go lightside they go dark, and vice versa. And it also doesn't matter whether the characters influence is high or low, the bug still happens. Does anyone know how to fix this??
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