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Lucas Trask

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Everything posted by Lucas Trask

  1. Halo feels a lot like Bungie's earlier FPS Marathon. The alien threat is certainly similar. In between Marathon and Halo, Bungie did the Myth strategy games which involved lots and lots of undead. I think it's more likely they got the inspiration for the Flood from their own work (or Doom) than borrowing from Half-Life.
  2. The WHOIS on the URL looks legit. Given the reorg LucasArts went through a while back, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the only feedback LA actually takes into account before choosing to move forward with KOTOR3. Thanks for the survey URL.
  3. NPCs Being a fan of Torment, I really miss the depth of characters such as Morte and Dakkon. Even Nordom was a better droid than what was in KOTOR. Other people may ojbect to Carth, but I think that's something better character development could address. Pazaak Please don't make me start first every single hand. That just plain sucks in a card game where you can bust.
  4. While I don't completely disagree with you, what I like about RPGs are the stories, and seeing the same plot devices get rehashed over and over again gets old. It gets as predictable as the red shirts dying in the old Star Trek. The last time it really, really got to me was the opening sequence in BG2 when it's explained how you wound up in Irenics's dungeon. It seemed way too much like waking in the Mortuary in Torment to me. That could just be me. If you want to get the player to focus on different aspects of the game, and discover the use of different items and skills, there has to be different ways to deal with it. Even just getting mugged in a game would be reasonably new (and might even make a good scripted intro to a crime syndicate). It's not that I'm against rehashing plot devices. I just want to see the jail plot device laid to rest for a while.
  5. I have to say I'm tired of parties being thrown into jail, prison, dungeon, Leviathan, etc. in RPGs. It's been done. Unless we get to escape Sith Nazis via a swoop bike, I just don't see the need for the player to be imprisoned.
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