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Antar Bolaeisk

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About Antar Bolaeisk

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  1. Back up and running, removed the latest autosave file from %userprofile%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II\ and it's been working fine since.
  2. Just started happening today. I was in Gullet, had triggered the transfer to The Hole (I think that was the name, it was in the southern part of the map) and the game crashed and it hasn't started again since. I've tried verifying the game files via steam but hasn't resolved the issue. The only thing that changed for me was I set fullscreen to fullscreen from windowed but had made a few map transitions on this setting before the crash. Savefile: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al7-6EHHVJzPi7BHcuQ6ODf9YG7NPw 2018-05-13_180858.zip DxDiag.txt
  3. What fixed that for me was setting fullscreen to fullscreen rather than windowed. The game was so frustrating with that click bug. OS Language was already set to English (Ireland).
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