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About DarthMojoBob

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Thought it might be a good idea to make a thread stating all the non-random items in the game (please add to/rectify any of this) Exile's Arm band - Harbinger Exile's Crystal - Dantooine crystal cave Ossus Keeper Robe - Onderon Royal palace Pontite Crystal- " Silver Crystal - Female Rodian on Nar Shaddaa
  2. Hmm Maybe I missed something, then
  3. How do you get into the storage room in the enclave sublevel? I've heared people talk about it but never the specifics, and a search in the forum did nothing for me..
  4. I thought he was revan at first - he's got the same build and height
  5. The knight robes do make you look a bit thin and straggly
  6. No, I've got dark jedi knight robes on , but they don't show up at the equipment screen
  7. bah, I'll stick with my mandalorian assault armour
  8. 50+ hours? I,ve never finished it in more than 26 hours, am I missing something?
  9. On many upgrade items, it says it ca upgrade robes, but the only ones I can upgrade are the handmaiden's, are they all?
  10. That doesn't help, but does it look like any other of the basic armour types e.g Cinnigar war suit Any form of heavy armour
  11. Does it look like the ubese on Nar Shaddaa
  12. If I ask where I can find an ubese envronmental suit, you're all going to go on about how the item in the game are random, so i'm gonna ask a different question - Where have you got your UESuits?, and are they the same as the ubese you encounter?
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