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About Doenyon

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. Thanks, that solved it and yes it's my issue. I just hope I don't have to do that manipulation each time a patch comes out, I mean it's not very hard, but english is my "default" on steam.
  2. [Description of the issue] The game chooses the language displayed by your operating system instead of whatever you picked in steam. Aka : I have a french os, but I want to play in english, and I can't. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Well, have a non-whateveryouwanttoplayin OS, choose whateveryouwanttoplayin language in steam, game is in your os language anyway. [Expected behaviour] Simply to be able to play in the language you want to amongst the ones supported by the game. [Other remarks / Comments] I did temporarily suceed in switching my game from french to english (but Steam disliked me deleting localization folders and quickly "repaired" my install...) And I noticed that a lot of the ui bugs I had in french, were not present in english. Such as lack of descriptions in skills or items. [Files] I don't think those will help since it's not savegame dependant, but if you need one just ask.
  3. Alright, I finally was able to fix my issue, it was just my bank being odd and having some kind of internet payment protection on my credit card... Odd part is, it only disliked your site. My bank should be gifted some old school rpgs really.
  4. I already have a digital copy of the game backed since the kickstarter, I tried adding a beta access today, but I keep getting a store error and my pledge addons can't be completed. Is it because I'm too late ?
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