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About Meiz

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Finland, the land of polar bears.
  1. This is a very good idea. It worked well in NWN and IWD2 so why not in KOTOR 2?
  2. So true... Aural amplifier style (two blue thingies) and that red visor were the only headgear i could use. The rest of them were just too ugly.
  3. Yep, I also saw Bastila standing in the end scene even when she should have been dead.
  4. I think it would be best that datapads would just leave a message to some section of journal. In my opinion, datapad item in inventory is useless. Good point anyway.
  5. As for the lighsaber cutting every door: How about using some energy fields here and there, instead of normal doors? That would give a little bit more use to security.
  6. Indeed. Personally i would go mad if my DS
  7. Oh yeah. My character used normal blade in main hand (can't remember name, you could buy it from Yavin station) and violet lighsaber in off-hand. Lightsaber turned to orange-red in the end becouse of Heart of Guardian.
  8. It could require an Exotic Weapon feat as for starters.
  9. http://www.fileplanet.com/files/140000/140687.shtml
  10. I always used to play cliche good guy in all games. Just recently i played kotor with an evil character and i felt myself slipping to the dark side in real life as well. Now i can't even imagine returning to the old times and with high possibility, my all future characters will be somehow evil
  11. Hope so. Thank you for answering.
  12. This question was asked earlier, but i didn't see any answer. So i'll ask again. Will there be more options for your characters appearance? Different hair styles, hair colors, starting clothes and so on.
  13. Ehm... i would like to suggest that you give an option to have lesbian relationship... My female character was offcourse in love with Bastila and i was dissapointed when i could not do anything to express my feelings
  14. NPC companions could earn alignment points towards good or evil, just like the PC itself. They're behavior would also change depending on the alignment. For example when i would suggest a evil act. If someone agrees, he gains dark side points and if someone protests, he would get light side points. Well you get the point...
  15. Hehheh you can't imagine how suprised i was when i saw this topic. From now on i'm 19 years old and indeed closer to death again. Thank you all.
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