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About Pessimeister

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  1. 70 hours according to Steam. Veteran difficulty. I didn't hit the level cap interestingly, only managed level 19, but could have easily gone to Ukaizo several levels earlier. The faction quests and interplay in Neketaka were probably the better parts of the game for me; especially the atmosphere and writing in the Gullet and some of the early quests there. I didn't particularly enjoy the main quest that much unfortunately, nor too many of the new companions. I missed the likes of Durance and Grieving Mother for sure! I won't be touching the game again until all of the tweaking is done on Path of the Damned and all of the DLC are out. Make it hard, Obsidian!
  2. I certainly interpret "best" as favourite but have played so many over the years that a reduction to three is always tough. Thus, I'm going to cheat slightly. Bard's Tale III: The Thief of Fate Curse of the Azure Bonds (Goldbox goodness!) Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar & Ultima VII: The Black Gate Honourable mention to the Infinity Engine for my consistent return to it. (Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate especially)
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