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Everything posted by Sauron95521

  1. Use Boa-dur's shock punch dealy to 'knock out' enemy personal shields! Yes, it works on more than just shield barriers.
  2. Are we sure Atton always would have died though? Listening to the dialogue perhaps he would only die if he didn't become a jedi character? There's various dialogue of companions attacking each other, Kreia/Atrius taunting Jedi companions....Sion stating that you havn't killed the real Treya etc..It seems like we're looking at 3 incomplete endings.
  3. Yep, the brand it great..you get it on Tatooine from a vender at the space port. Does some nice fire damage, decent double bladed weapon before your lightsaber gets tricked out.
  4. Playing the game for the 4th time and I ran across said module on Onderon from the droid vender. I don't use HK or the other droids so I have no idea if this module actually has an effect for HK or was part of the scraped storyline.
  5. Every time I try to play the files in the StreamVoice file it comes out as static, not dialoge. What gives?
  6. I'm not so sure Revan was intended to be made the main focus of TSL. Also Revan was not at first a tragic hero character, he only becomes such after the Jedi tamper with him. If you picked the DS ending in that game it is a simple jump to have Revan realize that the Sith, as embodied by Malak, were just as much a restriction as the Jedi. This is one reason for leaving and rendering the Star Forge useless. In KOTOR you are removing a dangerous element from the Galaxy, one which you had no small part in creating, regardless of the ending you chose. The story is essentially the same in TSL. In TSL the Exile has to undo the damage done in the war by accidently showing the 'Sith' how to kill life through the Force itself. Add to this your helping to wipe out the rest of the old Jedi who had become ineffectual as proven by Revan in the previous game. In TSL we have the set up of new Jedi who have a better understanding of what it means to live with and without the Force and a greater understanding of that connection with all life in the Galaxy than the previous Jedi and 'Sith'. TSL isn't so much the continuation of Revan's story as it is finishing off the themes of betrayal and revolution within the Force community. By the end of TSL the old Jedi and Sith from the Dark Horse universe are extinct. If a KOTOR 3 were made it would have to play on these themes, but I doubt it will be made as a continuation of this story. Kreia already tells you of the Galaxy's future/fate, and it follows the events up to the PT.
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