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Posts posted by Blodhemn

  1. True. Was speaking more in the realm of suspension of disbelief but got the message crossed with the rest. People always going to gripe. I guess though one of the differences is that it's more on the micro level today, so even the most trivial can have the same weight as a potentially larger issue. But that's not so much an entertainment issue as it is first world as a whole.

  2. As if on command - watched a 50's movie last night without much looking at the plot and it turned out to be a warning of Nazi Germany establishing itself in the Caribbean with rockets much more powerful than the V2 to destroy intended targets all across America. This being a mere decade before the Cuban missile crisis. And of course, the director was Jewish. Lolllllllll - the intentional blind eye intellectuals turned and still turn towards communism is simply astounding. It's as if it's too incomprehensible, even for smart people, to imagine two evils in the world. There must only be the one. 

  3. 3 hours ago, algroth said:

    Considering how good The Naked City, The Caine Mutiny, Crossfire and Spartacus amidst other Hollywood Ten films are, gimme some more straight-up Communist propaganda please.

    You like those? Crossfire is more my style but it's just overdone for me. Like everybody had to have a crack at the anti Jewish film. I remember one director even saying his head wasn't really in it but felt like he had to make it.

  4. I don't know about sacred but there was a time when audience members were more in it for the ride, as opposed to wanting to have a say and be part of the creation. Also, there absolutely was, at the very least, communist sympathizers in old Hollywood. It wasn't even hidden. Some writers changed their names and still wrote straight up communist scripts. Almost every political movie back then was heavy-handed, preachy junk. Having them rounded up was just a ridiculous show and wrong, but at the same time, if you're going to produce straight up propaganda, don't be surprised if you find yourself out of work.

  5. 1 hour ago, bringingyouthefuture said:

    No in a later post I specifically pointed to online lol, who doesn't use the internet???

    as for the other half, you should keep reading the rest of the posts lol, but feel free to call people what you want, and I'll call it cynicism.

    Why complain about it then? It's revenue as real as any other.

    Average intelligence isn't very intelligent by definition. It's practically one step from an oxymoron.

  6. 6 hours ago, bringingyouthefuture said:

    I think my point was that if they spent time doing this in a way that served the general public they would make a lot more money from landing rad jobs in news media, and could skip the whole YouTube ad revenue for real money.  Local news and blogging is huge and often leads to greater things - for instance a buddy of mine was a blogger in NYC, now he helps runs the whole social media and blogging for a very well known and famous cultural center.

    I guess they may end up with jobs as gaming journalists, but I doubt it with posts like that lol.


    Edit:  and I have no idea what to comment about outrage selling, I guess I find it kind of cynical, everyone always thinks everyone else isn't as intelligent or politically aware, but I don't think that is true.  I think most people are very intelligent and very aware - totally outrageous lies and conspiracy theories represent the hobbies of a few lol.

    Internet has greater reach and is much, much faster. You're basically telling people to jump off the wave of the future and swim back out and drown with the sinking ship.

    Also would like to know by what metric are people very intelligent? In comparison to a chimp? Yeah. To a real brainiac? No. Change "very" to "basic". Most people are basically intelligent.

  7. 19 hours ago, Mamoulian War said:

    Looks like most of us are on a same boat. I currently have i3-2100 with old gpu and GeForce GTX 760. I thought, this would be fine for few more years, due to my play preferences, but looks like CP'77 might start persuading me about possible option of upgrade.


    That game is going to be selling a lot of hardware. Reminds of the good days when hardware was pushed by the most innovative games. I'll probably go cheap on the cpu and double down on the gpu. Really don't need the extra cpu power unless games these days are more reliant than the past. Also want to keep that heat and power draw to a minimum. Ah, the love/hate of building a new system.

  8. 16 hours ago, marelooke said:

    Yup, my CPU is from 2010, so slightly younger than yours, but not by much. Did upgrade GPU in the meantime though, because it wouldn't run The Witcher 3 at all with what was in there initially... Currently I have the impression I/O busses are starting to be a limiting factor.


    On another note: Shenmue 3 turned on its backers and decided to go Epic exclusive despite prior promises. Another nail in Kickstarter's coffin.

    In the same boat as you two. My build is late 2007/early 2008. Extremely stable motherboard/ram/cpu. Had to replace gpu/psu and recently went ssd. System is still plenty fast but obviously can't play these new games by default, which hasn't been an issue since the market has been so dull up until now. Bloodlines 2, Outer Worlds and CP 2077 - I'll be living in these worlds for years to come. Literally the only things to look forward to these miserable days.

  9. 5 hours ago, injurai said:

    I saw it mentioned on Reddit, that this was probably because animations aren't finished. They avoid showing faces talking at the player, and use camera cuts to make all the vampires seem sort of sneaky and hard to catch sight of. It's a good catch that I think is right.

    This game still has 8-9 months of development left, with even more content coming after launch.

    Thought that was a given. It's the first footage from a smallish team, of course it's not a final product. It even says pre alpha build...

    That said, the Source engine is still one of the best examples of facial animation to this day, so I doubt that level can be reached. But I'm satisfied with the overall look - not sure what there is to complain of texture wise? It looks exactly how it should in that regard, imo.

  10. 1 hour ago, Oner said:

    While I would be happier having all the disciplines, they gave an explanation for it in one of the preview videos and it doesn't bother me that much either way.

    I hope the characters will have more color on them though, everyone's been dressed in all grey so far.

    Could be a reflection of dreary Seattle which is why Socal will always be preferred by me, or more likely that the game has a darker tone than the original, which I'm not crazy about unless it's met with some of the charm/comedy/character/color at some stage.

  11. Recreated the night scene nicely. It's possible the DLC's could take place in a different location. Would be pretty great to see a Socal return in those. The VO is a bit on the natural/generic side other than Mitsoda as Slug. Much prefer the fun, heavily characterized approach of the latter as it's more in tune with the original.

  12. Thought there were plenty of good characters of all types, enhanced by voice acting. Seriously, what other game has that many fun, unique characters?

    Mitsoda says there's going to be even more characters with more dialogue, which is pretty crazy, but I hope that doesn't mean quantity over quality.


    So far, only slightly concerned with the use of "modernizing" and making the game more "pick up and play" friendly, as if the first game was difficult. I think they're saying the main quest line will be easily distinguished, side quests more hidden with environmental cues which were a nice touch in the first game. Curious about the UI though, always liked the ability to look at inventory items in games, plus descriptions - one of the best parts of Stick of Truth as well as updated quest feedback, etc.

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  13. Well, they are based out of one of the biggest left wing places in the country. The first game took some comedic stabs at the right, but it fit the environment, wasn't rampant and it's good to not be so uptight about such things anyway. It'd only be troublesome to me if the writing as a whole lost quality either because of agenda taking precedence or a simple lack of creativity.

  14. Brian is passionate about writing and trying to create immersive worlds. Dead State had a lot of issues, but Brian's writing was not one of them.

    Yeah. Unique storytelling, but the engine held the game back.


    I think it's time to finally update the PC. Bloodlines 2, Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077. First person RPGs are back with a vengeance.

  15. Very excited about this. The trailer seems very action packed, but it wasn't action that made the first one great. It was the writing. The first game was like Yakuza: Zero in the sense that every little side quest was well-written and interesting. We'll have to see if they can recapture that magic.


    And they better have funny speech patterns for the Malkavians again! And don't tell me funny speech comes in a DLC pack!

    I just assume the action in the trailer is for new players and the vague dialogue is there to tease established fanbase. I trust Mitsoda when he says it feels like Bloodlines. If they've managed to recreate that immersive environment - dialogue/voice acting/unique, fun quests within real world locations/pc interface, late night radio programs/multiple play styles, choices, etc., then I probably won't need another game for a decade.


    Fun to think what modern changes will be made to the world. Podcasts instead of radio with even loonier guests given the political/conspiratorial landscape, bigger Nosferatu presence to fight big tech, etc. Hope PCs aren't omitted for phones though and also the budget allows for all of the immersive content. Looks good so far though.


    Also glad the game will tie into Seattle's history, like Bloodlines with historic LA. Much more interesting than some modern/squeaky clean/futuristic narrative. Give me the caked on history with lore, filth and all.

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  16. Was hoping Obsidian would get a crack at it, but with Mitsoda as lead this is the next best thing(or probably preferred even), besides Obsidian is tied to the Outer Worlds. Ditto with the setting. Seattle is no Southern Cali, but am happy it's being kept to the west coast. All in all, really couldn't ask for a better scenario for a sequel.

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  17. So the new Red Dead Online update is out and... it made the game worse AGAIN. R* is ****ing it up so God damn hard, it's like they want nobody to play it. Seriously, it's hilarious. They nerfed (hunting) rewards again, made killing police npc's cost you money (not a bounty increase), they added a new bounty system that sends bounty hunters after you, which you need to pay off to get rid off (killing or avoiding them yields no rewards), they added new emotes that cost lots of gold, also added new clothes that are super expensive (hell, the stuff before was already expensive) etc. etc.


    <shocked pikachu face>


    It's all just so much bs, I can't put it in words anymore.

    Why even bother with Rockstar anymore? Their formula has been brazenly apparent for how many years now?

  18. Yup. And Steam user reviews are the worst. I've never taken their reviews into account when trying to decide on buying a game. It's so very obvious most of the negative reviews are coming with an agenda.

    Eh? Most negative reviews I come across simply report performance issues, or flat out broken games. Pretty essential, especially since that kind of info is hard to come by.
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  19. Goddamn  Yakuza 0 is great! It's amazing how SEGA manages to stuff 10x as much interesting and legitimately compelling content into an open world area 1/100th the size of most open world games. There is a startling contrast between the super serious, emotionally gripping main story, featuring the most stoic protagonists that ever stoic-d and the hilarious side stories full of wacky characters, but somehow it works. And the mini-games are so good.  My favorite is the dance club mini game. Please tell me I will eventually get to dance against the weird bald guy busting a move in his tidy whities. That would be AMAZING.




    This guy is THE MAN.

    Because the world is smaller and more focused, something I've wished for in every open world game. Allows for more character, focus and experimentation. Really need to get my **** together and play the Yakuza games. Barely game at all at this point.
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    I've seen only few let's plays, and it looked almost like True Fallout 3, but what I heard, is that dialogues are more cheesy than originals. Never playrd it, but what I've seen was not half bad.


    Hrm, writing is always a tough one to get over for me. I finally got into Elex lately, but man, the conversations grate on me.


    Overly wordy nonsense, abrupt translation, or both?
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