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Posts posted by omegabet

  1. I'm laughing at myself, really.  like most people, I entirely cleared the level before I started activating the forges.


    this needed to be designed better I think.


    the spirit warns you, but it should actually give you direct advice to activate the forges, and why.


    also, I agree that it should be actually a minor quest, which activates when you talk to the spirit near the exit area, and updates when you activate all the forges.


    meh, probably got lost in the rush to finish.



    I think the warning spirit stands to close to the blights.


    I think developers need to make shops to permanently delete bought from the player items ONLY if those items are not unique, or enchanted neck/hand/belt items, or potions or herbs.


    Seriously all them xaurip spears man!

    I'd be for something like ... when shop window is closed, all non-magic wearable/paper-doll equipable items are deleted/not available to buyback etc. anymore. I can live with having "Fine" stuff still be there. But yes...all those plain spears, armors, helmets etc.


    Since the stash is endless, one can always just leave a few non-enchanted items in there in case you want to enchant them later.



    - Where are my 40 xaurip speers?

    - I sold them. (silence) That's what I do like all the day.


    I like this suggestion, it makes sence in an RPG.



    From Patch 1.04 notes


    Optimized Save/Load game system for better performance.

  3. Hey everybody, thank you for your feedback. The team is aware of this issue. We have a hunch that using an ability as a cutscene starts or as the game saves may cause it to remain in the activated state, but we are unsure if there are other ways this issue may arise. If anybody has any other ideas or 100% reproducible steps, it could help us pin-point the issue and find a solution. Thank you!


    Other idea:


    Mage is charmed or has other comparable effect from enemy that stops the Grimoire slam from executing correctly.


    The patch didn't fix this for me.  When I first launch the game and it's loading the saved games, it spins now for approximately 15 - 20 seconds before showing "Continue" and "Load".  I've got 8 characters and probably about 35 hours in.  I'm on an Alienware box with dual 780's, 16gigs memory and the game is installed on an SSD with over 150gb's of space left.


    It wasn't meant to fix the delay in showing the "load" and "continue" options in menu, it was to reduce the time required to autosave/quicksave and load games.



    Wait, should I see the loading times of "Continue" and "Load" as a separate issue to other loading times?


    It takes 102 seconds till I can click on "Load".

  5. Did it, still very disappointed.


    As long as you keep the lizard in motion there is no insta kill.


    I followed that.


    This helped me additionally:

    Pallegina got boots of speed and Savory Pie

    My priest cast Prayers against Treachery and Suppress Affliction

    Gaze or Adragan or other spells to hold down adds or dragon

    Sneak attacks from rogue and many many potions


    Thanks very much for your suggestion!

  6. Endless Paths Level 8, in a hidden place under a stone brick. Start at level 8, dodge two traps and go left, up, left.
    I recommend a party of level 6 or more.


    You can spare time by a shortcut from level 2 to level 5.



    You could also try to entchant a rode, you will need a level 4 party, 2x Pilgrim's Crown, 2x Adra, 2x Ooze Plasma and 1200 cp.


    Insead of risking a ban you could read about design of gambling machines, gamification, steam cards, nudging or free-to-play shop business models. Achievements are not simple icons without any impact or meaning.


    Everything you just said there disgusts me.  (The concepts, not that you said them.  This isn't an attack on you.)


    I don't mind Steam as a game distribution platform, but Steam as a metagame is repulsive to me.




    I will agree with what others have said in this thread about how creating an achievement that cannot potentially be attained by everyone eventually is a bad design decision.  At the same time, it is also a valuable life lesson, in that it demonstrates that life is unfair and perfection is impossible.


    I am with you. Most of the patterns used in such matters are undesirable for the player and used to maximize their game time or their loss, frequently destroying the non-metagame fun.


    I find your last sentense inspirational as it not only reproduces real life but also the world of Eternity we are all playing.

  8. I think his appearance is probably related to the prestige of your keep (edit: rather than tied to any one specific structure).  I know that he can appear more than once, and the items he offers appear to be random (but he can offer the same item more than once).  I haven't bought anything from him yet, because he hasn't offered anything that interested me.


    Also, when checking out the item that he has for sale (by mouseover or right-click), be aware that sometimes the details don't load right away.  You may need to right-click the item and then close the description before the item's properties will appear on it.

    The prestige thing makes sense! I invested in military grade security first. Looking at the items and quick loading for testing just before he appears I must admit that my party will not need all the items. The rate items are not overpowered.


    The details always do not load on my game. Thanks for the workaround! I was thinking this was intended, like "buy a pig in a poke".



    Azzuro apperead on turn 99 the second time.

  9. It shouldn't be possible to have achievements that can not be attained after a given time. This kind of achievements are misconception and should be fixed. On the other hand I don't think this fix is important and as @aeonsim pointet out, for the wrong reasons, it takes time to collect all the other achievements.




    Well once you've completed the game on and got the Triple Crown Solo achievement feel free to come back here and raise this again.

    I find this kind of argument troubling. It's legitimate to discuss an Act 4 bug even when being in Act 1. That puts pressure to devs and you will hopefully get the bug fixed till you are in Act 4. The way this solution sounds is "go away, we don't want you here".



    If you are buying and playing games to get little icons to light up on your Steam profile...Well, I have to stop that sentence there or I'll risk a ban.

    Insead of risking a ban you could read about design of gambling machines, gamification, steam cards, nudging or free-to-play shop business models. Achievements are not simple icons without any impact or meaning.



    Do people actually listen when you demand special treatment for nothing?


    People see problems and demand solutions. What's wrong in giving such feedback? Feedback does not imply a return service first.

    IMHO bugs and misconceptions have nothing to do with "special treatment".

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