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About ratdeath

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. I am still waiting for my collectors edition. (Sweden)
  2. I'm a happy backer Didn't pledge as much as for Elite: Dangerous (which I am also very happy with). So far all the Kickstarter games/projects I have backed have been well worth the money (some are still to be finished). I try to settle for a pledge around $100-200 which is more or less the same money as for a collectors edition of a traditionally released game. Sure there might be that game on Kickstarter that will make me disappointed in the future, but that's true for games released traditionally as well, lack of post release support or the pre release hype was just lies and hype!
  3. GOG! I don't mind Steam at all though, it's a good service and convenient distribution platform with some nifty features. But I like the idea behind GOG (old and new games) and want to support that if possible. Both services have me download and install the game faster than it takes to get to a shop, buy it, go back home and install it. Also waiting for my Collectors Edition from Obsidian
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