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About mikel_iceberg

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  1. The most notable bug I encountered is when I'm playing the DS char, just finished all the side and major quest in Nar Shadaa and I'm about to live the planet then suddenly during my walk on the way to ebon hawk I saw one of the twin sun hanging outside the cantina, i tried to talk to her but he gave me no response and just a few meters from the twin sun is Hanharr hanging along the road(what the heck is he doing there,he's suppose to be inside the ebon hawk)then lastly, just near the corner of the landing pad I saw Mira standing I thought at first she survive the encounter with hanharr but when I tried to talk to her no response either. Also, the cyan color of lightsaber has its own share, it is always on when I loaded a game or area transition.(I also experienced this on KOTOR1 with the crystal I bought with the rodian in Yavin, forgot the name of the crystal). I just hope this bugs would be fix when the patch arrives. Can't wait to play the game on 3rd time coz I'm waiting for the patch to arrive.
  2. cyan color is cool but it is bugged in pc version, anyway u can buy it at the salvager camp in dantooine.
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