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About AzuriaZyfire

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    Here... Wherever "Here" is...
  • Interests
    Stuff, Being Blunt..
  1. I love these. They never cease to make me giggle like an idiot. :D
  2. Actually the movie's director/creator, Hayou Miyazaki, commented how the character of No Face was actually a bit of a characture of himself. Figure that one out...
  3. I must add my thanks to those who posted a link to the download of Miles Sound Tools. I can't tell you the great amusement I'm having playing through all the voice files! :D
  4. Wow. Never thought I'd find something like this when I woke up this morning... Like a lot of you, after finishing KotOR2 a few days ago, the ending left me a bit slack-jawed. Questions crossed my mine, such as "...Huh?", and "...Huh?!" Talk about feeling incomplete... Honesty, as the game ended, I don't believe I had heard speech out of any of my party members (besides Mira, Remote, and G0-T0) for at least an hour, if not two. I wasn't ready to give them up, darnit! The lack of closure made me wonder why I had spent $30 on this game... I usually stay away from game communities, since a lot of them are... well, not good. Lo and behold, I stumble across this thread the one day I stepped outside the line. To all who uncovered all of this, thanks a ton! Closure, even if it is just a soundbyte, is better than nothing. Good luck with the modding!
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