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Posts posted by Tyrell

  1. I played TSL and beated it, but I never used Mandalore at all and I NEVER talked to him. But now I'm going back to play KOTOR and I have been using Canderous a lot in my party and talking to him a lot. So when I play TSL again, I'm going to use Mandalore a lot and talk to him. You know, a nice continuity in his character. But I have heard that he really has not backstory and you don't learn anything from him.


    Is that true?

  2. I'd tend to agree that Lucas is kind of ruining his Star Wars Universe, but regardless, it is his to ruin. His word is Canon, and there is nothing we can really do about it except call him an inept hack. Stormtroopers aren’t Clones, damn it.


    As for DS Revan, I still do not understand the logic of abandoning all power and the 100% chance of forging a great, majestic, and vast empire, in order to go off on some quest to stop an entire empire, alone. Where is the logic in this? Malak was a set back, he did not destroy Revan’s chances of forging an empire, he just delayed it. After killing Malak, Revan was the undisputed leader of the Sith, completely in control. He should have stayed, created his empire, then lead a massive battle fleet to the “Real Sith” empire.


    As LS Revan, KotOR 2’s storyline makes a lot more sense. I can see a redeemed LS Revan going off on a one man crusade. It is unfortunate that KotOR 2’s developers decided to favor a LS ending when created the storyline.


    If I'm not mistaken, in TSL at the beginning once you saved Atton. If you made Revan DS, didn't he say something like the rumors say that once Revan returned to Korriban to begin his new rule as Sith Lord, he said that once he got there there was some huge Civil War that broke out on Korriban which destroyed the Sith Academy and killing almost all if not ALL of the Sith there. With that being said, it would make since for DS Revan to go and fight to True Sith alone, because what he had on Korriban was already gone.


    It all boils down to that old saying "If you want something done right, then you do it yourself" or something like that. Revan tried to bring others into it as he created the fleet and such from the Forge. But after the Civil War on Korriban, he just figured that it was best for him to go out alone and just take matters into his own hands....until the Exile comes of course.


    Thats just my opinion.

  3. In TSL it is explained and stuff how the Mandalorian War made the Jedi crave....power and strength and stuff like that. You know, things that are against the Jedi code. War makes the Jedi crave battle and death....atleast thast how TSL puts it.


    That is why the counsil didn't wan to Jedi to go fight in this War.


    But what about the Clone Wars? That lasted for 3 years and stuff but yet no Jedi turned evil because of it. Don't say Anakin because even after the wars end he was good, it is the later events that turn him bad.


    So my question is, TSL makes it seem as if War is a bad thing for Jedi and must be avoided. But yet in the Clone Wars (which is canon) doesn't show that. I've read all of the Clone Wars Novels....Shatterpoint, Laybrinth of Evil, Jedi Trial, Dark Rendevus, and The Cetus Deception. And what was said in TSL doesn't amount to the Clone War.


    What are your thoughts?

  4. I have to agree with Ty about Anakin not falling to the DS in EpII. I too have also watched the documentary and Lucas talks about Anakin dealing with the DS and his emotions and what not but does not fall. To disregard Lucas, the GOD of Star Wars is beyond redemption. :)




    Anyways to stay on subject. I really don't know what to view of Revan now really. Do I view him as the same? You know, the ex Jedi who became evil and wanted to conquer all. Or the ex Jedi who became evil....for the right cause but unfortunatly got caught all up in it.

  5. I like your idea but something like this probably won't be used cause it....in a way has already been done. You know, like hiding Revan's kid and such. Seems similar to Luke/Leia being hidden. And them going out to seek their father is all similar to Luke in ANH going out to follow in his fathers footsteps.


    Nice idea, but not really original.


    But still, nice concept and something like this COULD be used.

  6. From the Attack of the Clones DVD Commentary from George Lucas himself:


    The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him upon the road to the darkside, and hes been preping for this, but thats the one where he sort of is doing something that is completly inapropriate.


    Keywords....takes him upon the road to the darkside.


    And the road ends in EP3 when he actually does something that is WAY WORST then killing Tuskens. I won't tell you what it is he does, but its something really evil.


    After that in the scene where he confesses to Padme he has this to say:


    ....There is a lot of connections here, with, the beginning of him sliding into the darkside....


    Again the Keywords: beginning of him sliding into the darkside.


    That clearly states that he isn't on the Darkside yet BUT he is sliding further and futher to and and SOON (EP3) he will be there at the DS. But as of now he isn't there.


    Again, the words of wisdom strait from GL himself. You can come up with whatever theory or opinion you have but it means nothing, its nothing more then just a mere opinion from a fan. Nuff said and conversation over.


    Oh, and thanks for helping me out on the article. :ermm:

  7. Anakin killing a tribe of men, women, and children doesn't seem like, oh i don't know, where a jedi would fall?  I don't care what Lucas the hack says, you kill a bunch of women and children you've fallen.  done deal. Just because he still struggles to maintain his oath to the jedi afterwards means nada, he's an unrepentant murderer at that point.


    But whatever man. You've proven to be just another blind lucas fanboy and i'm sorry i even bothered to help you in the first place.


    Again man thats so stupid. How are you going to disregard what George Lucas the creator of Star Wars! What you are saying makes no since. In other words you are saying that Anakin didn't fall because thats how GL set it up but in YOUR MIND you say he fell. So really what you say isn't a truth but more of an opinion.


    I guess I just spend too much time around TFN....people who actually know the Star Wars movies.


    Anakin DOES NOT turn to the Darkside in EP2. Did his journey to the DS begin in EP2? YES! But that does not say that he went to the DS.


    If I take a 10 day journey from North Carolina to California today, does that mean I'm in California today? Hell no! It just means that I'm heading to Cali and I will be there really soon....but I'm not there yet.


    Same with Anakin in EP2. His journey to the DS begun at the Tusken Camp, BUT that doesn't mean he is on the DS, it just means he is heading there starting from that point. The Clone Wars is where he continues his journey and by the time EP3 comes thats where the journey ends and where he reaches California.

  8. Until I hear it from Obsidian and LucasArts themselves then I shall remain doubtful.




    Double ditto


    I like the idea of following in Revan's footsteps rather then the Exile's. But until this is officially confirmed by Lucasarts....this is nothing more then just a rumor. Maybe a strong a heavily backed up rumor, but a pure rumor indeed.


    I'm not giving my hopes up just yet.

  9. Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


    But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


    You are really making yourself look stupid.

    wow...simply wow. I was trying to help you with your article, but man...forget it


    Yeah, thanks for helping me out and I did go off. But saying Anakin fell to the DS in EP2 has got to be one of the funniest things ever. Anyone with basic knowledge of the PT would know that EP3 is where Anakin falls but apparently EVERYONE doesn't know that.


    Thanks for helping me out though and my article will be written once I beat KOTOR and TSL again. Which will be awhile from now.

  10. whoa...Anakin fell to the dark side out of anger and out of pride.  He fell when his hatred of the sandpeople erupted into a killing spree.  He started on his path to the dark side because he believed he was better than his master and better than the Council let him be.  His fall wasn't well intentioned or even that tragic, just the result of an unstable boy put under the pressures of being "special".


    Revan didn't fall so much as sacrifice himself. He saw what was coming, looked at the Republic and the Jedi, and realized that someone had to unify the galaxy through force and rally them all under one strong banner.  When this failed, he set off to take the fight to the Sith Empire...alone. A near suicide mission to protect the Republic.  Now that is what i call a tragic hero :)


    I didn't want this to turn into a Revenge of the Sith discussion but if you followed the spoilers for EP3 which are true this is why Anakin falls to the DS in EP3:



    Just like in EP2, he had a horrible dream. This time the dream was about his wife Padme dying while giving birth. He wakes up really terrified and wants to find a way to save her. He remembers how he failed his mother and how he wasn't strong enough to save her. So this really worries him. He goes to Yoda to seek ways that you can possibly prevent people from dying. Yoda basically brushes him off and says that a Jedi must not give into Love and crap like that. So he then goes to Palpatine and tells him the situation with his dream and all. Palpy tells him that A long time ago a Sith called Darth Plagueous had the ability to prolonge life and bring people back to life. Palpy said that once his Sith Apprentice Darth Sidious learned this power from him, he killed his master. Anakin in the end basically makes a pact with the Devil and sells his soul to him to save Padme. Once he learns this from Palpy/Sidious, he will Kill Sidious and unite the Republic and end the Empire. Sadly enough this hope was ended when he was defeated by Obi-Wan. Once in the suit, Vader was no longer strong enough to face Sidious so he just waited til the perfect time....ROTJ.



    Wouldn't you say that is very similer to that of Revan? Once they accomplish what they want they will put away the DS ways, but unfortunately they both got too deeply consumed in it. Anakin fell to the DS with good intentions JUST like Revan did. But like I said, it consumed them too much and that right there makes it even more Tragic. He wanted to do good but somehow it all back-fired on him.


    "Once you stare down the Dark Path, forever it consumes you"


    Anakin didn't fall to the DS in EP2 when he killed the Sand People. It was an act of the DS yes, but he didn't fall there. It begun there just like Revan begun when he found the map on Dantioone, but he fell in EP3.

    Nope, he fell in Ep 2. He gave into the dark side to slaughter the sandpeople. Episode 2 is the fall of anakin. That's why Yoda "heard" Qui-Gon yelling for Ani to stop through the force when Anakin torn into the Sand People. He just may not have realized how far he fell until he made the deal with the devil in the Ep 3.


    Congrats! You have now just shown how dumb you are when it comes to the SW PT. View the EP2 DVD Commentary. George Lucas said it himself that what Anakin does is an ACT of the Darkside and its our first time as viewers that we get to see Anakin do something really naughty. He is still a Lightside Jedi but did something really evil. He didn't FALL in EP2. It was more of a case of forshadowing I must say.


    But he did NOT fall to the Darkside in EP2. Yoda just sense the tention and the evil that Anakin is doing. But he didn't FALL. Just the the Republic didn't Fall in EP2, it falls in EP3. In EP2 we see the beginning of the end of the Republic, but not the actual end of the Republic. Thats what EP3 is for.


    You are really making yourself look stupid.

  11. LA just kind layed around expecting TSL to sell it self.


    You are so right. LA just assumed that TSL was going to sell because of the named it carried. LA was like "Ah hell, we don't have to advertise K2 on TV. KOTOR 2 will sell regardless cause of its name. Much like GTA: SA and Halo 2"


    What they failed to realized that no matter how big the GTA and Halo names were. Rockstar and Microsoft still advertised the hell out of those games on TV.



    I believe Shenmue 2 was the exact same. I remember they had Shenmue commercials for the DC but I really can't recall any commercials for Shenmue 2 on the Xbox. Just like KOTOR 2. Like just because of the name Shenmue its going to sell regardless.


    Hell when Shenmue 2 released, I didn't even know it til I walked into Block Buster and saw it on the shelf.

  12. PMC: Will playing TSL make you view the first KOTOR differently in any way?


    CA: Probably not. It`ll still be the same awesome game it was the first time around. You will, however, REALLY be looking forward to any future sequels, if there are any.


    That was an old Playmoreconsoles.com interview that I did with Chris Avellone back in June of 2004.


    Watching the Star Wars PT makes you really view the Star Wars OT in a different way. Especially when you all see EP3, you will definatly view Vader differently in the OT. George Lucas makes you feel sorry for him.


    But enough with the movies, this is abou the videogames. With the PT/OT thing being in mind, I had to ask Chris that question. When I play TSL and beat it, and then go back and play KOTOR, will I see it in a different way? He said probably not but I say it does especially Revan. Play TSL I see KOTOR in a whole new light.


    What about you guys?

  13. whoa...Anakin fell to the dark side out of anger and out of pride.  He fell when his hatred of the sandpeople erupted into a killing spree.  He started on his path to the dark side because he believed he was better than his master and better than the Council let him be.  His fall wasn't well intentioned or even that tragic, just the result of an unstable boy put under the pressures of being "special".


    Revan didn't fall so much as sacrifice himself. He saw what was coming, looked at the Republic and the Jedi, and realized that someone had to unify the galaxy through force and rally them all under one strong banner.  When this failed, he set off to take the fight to the Sith Empire...alone. A near suicide mission to protect the Republic.  Now that is what i call a tragic hero :thumbsup:


    I didn't want this to turn into a Revenge of the Sith discussion but if you followed the spoilers for EP3 which are true this is why Anakin falls to the DS in EP3:



    Just like in EP2, he had a horrible dream. This time the dream was about his wife Padme dying while giving birth. He wakes up really terrified and wants to find a way to save her. He remembers how he failed his mother and how he wasn't strong enough to save her. So this really worries him. He goes to Yoda to seek ways that you can possibly prevent people from dying. Yoda basically brushes him off and says that a Jedi must not give into Love and crap like that. So he then goes to Palpatine and tells him the situation with his dream and all. Palpy tells him that A long time ago a Sith called Darth Plagueous had the ability to prolonge life and bring people back to life. Palpy said that once his Sith Apprentice Darth Sidious learned this power from him, he killed his master. Anakin in the end basically makes a pact with the Devil and sells his soul to him to save Padme. Once he learns this from Palpy/Sidious, he will Kill Sidious and unite the Republic and end the Empire. Sadly enough this hope was ended when he was defeated by Obi-Wan. Once in the suit, Vader was no longer strong enough to face Sidious so he just waited til the perfect time....ROTJ.



    Wouldn't you say that is very similer to that of Revan? Once they accomplish what they want they will put away the DS ways, but unfortunately they both got too deeply consumed in it. Anakin fell to the DS with good intentions JUST like Revan did. But like I said, it consumed them too much and that right there makes it even more Tragic. He wanted to do good but somehow it all back-fired on him.


    "Once you stare down the Dark Path, forever it consumes you"


    Anakin didn't fall to the DS in EP2 when he killed the Sand People. It was an act of the DS yes, but he didn't fall there. It begun there just like Revan begun when he found the map on Dantioone, but he fell in EP3.

  14. The KOTOR and Shenmue series has a lot in common. Back in what? 2000 I believe Shenmue hit the Dreamcast and I mean it hitted it hard. Dispite the release of the new Sony PlayStation 2, Shenmue the videogame held its own on the DC even against major PS2 titles like Tekken and Madden 2001. I really don't know the sells #s but worldwide it was pretty huge, epecially in Japan. The game even won MANY awards with the main ones being Best Story and Best Characters and Best Innovation with its F.R.E.E system.


    Then then later on Shenmue 2 came out on the Dreamcast (Japan Only) and then on the Xbox (US Only). Shenmue 2 was a great title but in many ways didn't live up to what Shenmue was in terms of sales. Many said it was because of the switch from the DC to Xbox in the US. Who knows. Shenmue 2 left many gamers with a cliff-hanger as Ryu's story to avenge his father wasn't complete.


    Today we don't know the fate of Shenmue and if there will ever be a Shenmue 3. It was said that Shenmue 3 won't be a game but a DVD movie of some sort to explain the remaining story. Even though it is a bit stupid atleast the fans could find out what happens next and how it concludes. Unfortunatly it seems as if THAT idea was dumped because I haven't heard anything of it as of late.


    The Shenmue series (Probably won of the more personal game stories ever told) probably won't even see a conclusion and fans (Including myself) will just be left alone forever without....knowing.



    As I'm writing this I hope that I'm 100% wrong but there is that fear that there won't be a KOTOR 3. I mean KOTOR is similar to Shenmue. When the first one came out it was revolutionary just like Shenmue was on the DC. It won many awards JUST like Shenmue did. Main ones being Best Story and Best Characters....just like Shenmue. Difference is between KOTOR and Shenmue was that people knew that Shenmue 2 would be a direct sequel to the first. While we all knew there would be a K2, we didn't expect it to be a direct sequel to K1. But it was.


    That leads us to TSL. TSL came out last December on the Xbox and like Shenmue 2, really didn't live up to the success of K1 in terms of sales. Unlike KOTOR, TSL got many negative reviews and many gamers complained about the games many flaws and glitches. Some say that it was just rushed. Who knows, but TSL wasn't par with KOTOR in the general public's eyes. Not saying it was a bad game, but for a sequel to a game of KOTOR's statue, TSL could have been better.


    Like Shenmue 2, TSL left us gamers with a sour taste in the ending making us WANT more. There must be a KOTOR 3 (Just like Shenmue 3) to conclude the story. What happens with Revan/Exile and the True Sith Empire? There was a K3 in somewhat of a development and now that is canceled. For what reasons I do not know but there isn't a K3 in development right now and that brings up the question.....would there ever be a K3?


    Are we KOTOR fans going to experience what the Shenmue fans are experiencing? And that is.....not knowing.


    Its a scary thought but a thought that you can't dismiss. There IS that possiblity that TSL is where it unfortunately ends. I'm not trying to be negative but in terms of overall apeal, TSL isn't what KOTOR was. Halo 2 out-did Halo so we all KNOW there will be a Halo 3 on the Xbox 2. In terms of sales Halo 2 is outdoing Halo, we can't say that about TSL. Hell, LucasArts didn't even have any TV commercials. Oh well though, I guess thats how you treat a sequel to a game that was owning 2003 when it came to games.


    What do you all think? Is TSL the end of the road or COULD there be a KOTOR 3?

  15. I think Revan always stayed Good.  He discovered a threat to everything he knew and, like any general in any war, Revan was forced to make the hard choices.  He had to fall to be able to use the Sith weapons of war, since they were the most powerful.  Revan didn't fall for power-lust, or for the thrill of battle, or for any typical dark side reason.  Revan fell because it was the only thing he could do to save the republic.


    It's a wonderfully tragic idea, i think.  I soldier who's sense of duty drives him to shoulder such weights and to face his own damnation to fulfill his duty to the Republic.



    This is SOOOOOO Anakin Skywalker in EP3 and how he chances to the DS. Not saying he goes to the DS to save the Reupblic. But in EP3 Anakin's motives for turning are very small and personal and really in good intentions.


    So is it safe to say that Revan was a Tragic Hero?

  16. And about your second comment. So that means when Revan was the Sith Lord with the Star Forge and all, he knew about the "True Sith" the whole time and was preparing up for the possible battle with them in the future?


    i believe he came across the "true sith" during his trip to the outer rim, and felt that the current jedi were too "passive" and inactive in terms of being prepared and ready to act towards the new threat, so he used the star forge to get them to act and be ready for a bigger battle.


    So when Revan was going to the Outer Rim he was still somewhat good. But he came across this new threat and as you said wanted the Jedi to be ready so he used to Star Forge to stir them up. So in a way, would you say that Revan went the the Darkside with good intentions? That on top of being the Dark Lord of the Sith there was still good in him like Vader in ROTJ? Unlike Malak who really didn't care and just wanted power.

  17. this is all just my opinion, but...


    So does that mean when Revan was the "Dark Lord of the Sith" does it mean that he really wasn't the Dark Lord? Same with Malak after Revan. Does it mean that HE wasn't the true Dark Lord? Did Revan and Malak know about this? I know or atleast I think of know that after the Battle fo the Star Forge, there was a huge civil war on Korriban leaving the place in ruins. Was this the true Sith Empire coming and laying the smackdown on the fack and wanna be Sith Empire?


    the "real sith" i believe we dont know much about yet. the sith that revan and malak were the sith lords for were just dark jedi descendants who followed the sith teachings. i believe revan and malak were true sith lords in the same sense that sidious, dooku and vader were.


    this is conjecture, but i believe the "real sith" are more direct descendants of the original sith race, whereas malak, revan, and the sith on korriban are the jedi that fell to the dark side and adopted the "real sith" teachings.



    Also Revan fell to the DS out in the Outer Rim following the Mandalorian War. It is said (Or atleast in KOTOR its said) that Revan fell after discovering the Star Forge or something like that. Searching for the Star Maps was turning him closer and closer to the DS as they maps are an ancient DS articfact or something like that. Thats why when you were sent out in Revan's footsteps they counsil was worried that what happened before would happen again. But if I'm can remember, I remember something that Kreia said about Revan visiting the Trayus Academy and learning about the Sith and THAT was what made Revan goto the DS. I'm just all confused and going into KOTOR for the first time since beated TSL (I only played through it once as LS Exile). At that it was the final battle at Malachor 5 that really turned Revan and the Jedi/Republic Soliders who followed him evil.


    my interpretation is that originally, revan and malak found the star forge (or atleast information about it) and thats what originally sent them into the outer rim in search of it. but then from kreias comments, revan found something more sinister and decided that this threat was much more dangerous and thus used the star forge to get the galaxy in motion and ready to take on these "true sith".


    Thanks for lending a hand. So Revan was really the Dark Lord of the Sith the same way Darth Sidious was?


    And about your second comment. So that means when Revan was the Sith Lord with the Star Forge and all, he knew about the "True Sith" the whole time and was preparing up for the possible battle with them in the future?

  18. Just recently I have had the urge to play KOTOR. So what I'm going to do is go back and play KOTOR as LS male Revan and then play TSL again as DS male Exile. Right now I just landed on Taris and before I go further there is some things pertaning to TSL and Revan in particular that I want to know about. I know these were answered in TSL but I really didn't pay much attention my first and only time playing through TSL as the LS exile. I hope you all could answer these for me.


    Okay I know that Revan was the apprentice to Kreia, I know that much. I know where Revan went after TSL....he went out in the far reaches of space to fight the true Sith. Right? This is where my questions come in. So please bare with me. Part of me going back and playing KOTOR over again and then TSL right after and wanting to know these things is because I'm going to write a article for Playmoreconsoles.com titled The Legacy of KOTOR. So I have these many questions that I wanted answered so I'll know going into KOTOR.


    So Revan goes off to fight the "True Sith" after KOTOR right? I remember something that Kreia was saying on Malachor that there was ANOTHER Sith Empire out there, the REAL Sith Empire. So does that mean when Revan was the "Dark Lord of the Sith" does it mean that he really wasn't the Dark Lord? Same with Malak after Revan. Does it mean that HE wasn't the true Dark Lord? Did Revan and Malak know about this? I know or atleast I think of know that after the Battle fo the Star Forge, there was a huge civil war on Korriban leaving the place in ruins. Was this the true Sith Empire coming and laying the smackdown on the fack and wanna be Sith Empire?


    Also Revan fell to the DS out in the Outer Rim following the Mandalorian War. It is said (Or atleast in KOTOR its said) that Revan fell after discovering the Star Forge or something like that. Searching for the Star Maps was turning him closer and closer to the DS as they maps are an ancient DS articfact or something like that. Thats why when you were sent out in Revan's footsteps they counsil was worried that what happened before would happen again. But if I'm can remember, I remember something that Kreia said about Revan visiting the Trayus Academy and learning about the Sith and THAT was what made Revan goto the DS. I'm just all confused and going into KOTOR for the first time since beated TSL (I only played through it once as LS Exile). At that it was the final battle at Malachor 5 that really turned Revan and the Jedi/Republic Soliders who followed him evil.


    Playing TSL has already made me look back and view KOTOR in a different way. But I much have these questions answered before I continue.


    Thats the questions I'm faced with and want to know more about.

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