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About txpoodoo

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I didnt' realize there was any trouble winning any of the races....Telos imo was the hardest...but beatable for sure. Don't get me wrong though....well done!
  2. Mutually exclusive....
  3. Just a quick question..... If you have a high enough stealth can you get close enough to an enemy to get an attack off and get the watchman's/assassins sneak attack bonus damage? Or no matter what your stealth is....you can never get close enough.
  4. Does anyone have a list where you can pick up stat increases in the game? For instance....fixing up the astrodroid mech gets you a +1 Int(computer path)....don't know what the repair path gets you yet.... I have heard Hanharr gives you some stat increases..... Appreciate any info!
  5. exactly what I was thinking....put off Dxun/Onderon till later to get the better loot. Thanks guys
  6. What planet do you think has the most loot?
  7. I"m not using cheats of any kind...I expect to finish around lvl 30. I just didnt' want to put forth all that time in creating the kind of Jedi that I wanted just to hit some cap I didn't know about, and get angry about it.....lol
  8. So far I've gotten my Jedi up to 51 defense....and according to my caculations I should be able to get around 62-66 defense by the end game(if I get the right equipment). I read in the forums somewhere where some peeps where talking about a max defense....can anyone confirm this? And if so...what is the cap. Thanks!
  9. First of all....I'm a fan of the movies...and of both Kotor games....I don't have extensive knowledge of the Star Wars galaxy...but I would really like to read about the pre movie time era....farther back the better....is there such books out there? Even perhaps farther back than the Kotor games? Thanks guys!
  10. With no bonuses in Chr, what would you suggest on how high you bring your persuade skill up to? And speaking of skills.....I have heard that a 20 in Repair and Treat Injury will get you max breakdown component/chemical potential....can anyone confirm? Thanks guys!
  11. Forgive my newbish....KSE? I assume its an equipment editor of some type...anyone got a link?
  12. Handmadian hands down.....(pun intended) I usually play the na na a boo boo you can't hit me Jedi, and this falls right into line with the way I play.
  13. After the Czerka thing, you show back up by youself talking to the Ithorians....just open up your party selection tab and reselect your party members....
  14. ok....this is wierd....earlier I just tested out the Lab Station, and I am getting different results based on different Treat Injury levels. But I just went to the work bench and I'm the same results for anyone I put on the bench...and they have hugely varying Repair skills.....hmmmm Something is wierd here.....can we put our collective heads together here and find out what the deal is on the workbench...the lab station seems to be working fine....perhaps the workbench only takes the PC's repair ability? Ideas?
  15. Just did a test and it is based on the person on the bench itself. Kriera had the highest treat injury and she got 150 for breaking down a deadly sonic mine, I had the next highest and got 100 out of it....Atton had the lowest(actually a 0 in treat injury) and was only able to break it down for 1 chemical.
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