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Everything posted by MaymAU

  1. Words cannot express how much I dislike strong American accent's in PoE2. Xoti is terrible, Eder is great. Eder is subtle, Xoti is jarring and shatters the illusion of this being a fantasy game in another world. There is no precedent for strong southern accents in fantasy and trying to establish it now is ridiculous immersion breaking. As soon as Xoti gets excited I feel like she's going to burst into colloquialisms any second, or I add them in myself, which makes it worse. To be fair, this is no worse than strong Aussie accents (G'day!), West London (Just go up them apples and pears) that I've heard in recent games, but it's just too much to bear sometimes. Xoti works when she is talking quietly and suppressing the stronger, but when I imagine her screaming Yeehaw I just cringe. I'm hoping someone will create a mod that lets me disable some NPCs voiceovers
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