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About howling1

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist
  1. I must admit you have a point here. In the end the Cylons were by turns vain, petty, venal, vindictive, and often incapable of acting in their own best interests. Hardly the near all powerful and emotionally detached enemies they were in the beginning. In other words, they were more human than human. I guess the direction they took developing the Cylon characters and the way the whole final five was handled (in my opinion that strained credulity) was the only real flaw in the show. I don't think it was a fatal flaw and I still enjoyed all four seasons immensely. I just think I would have done it differently. I agree with both you guys. Perhaps we'll get a better explaination in BSG: The Plan when it comes out this fall...
  2. Word has it that they plan to release the Caprica Pilot first on DVD, with BSG: The Plan to be released some six to nine monthes later...
  3. And the moral of this week's ep is... Drum Rolls.... Gaeta, never piss off a redheaded lady... Hmmmmm.....
  4. No. It has to do with the 'third party' which was mentioned earlier which you were skeptical of. I'm not skeptical of third parties, I'm skeptical of third parties that aren't Human or Cylon. As for the Virtual Beings, perhaps they'll introduce the Beings of Light from the old series, and all this time they've been secretly watching over both humans and cylons, and the virtual beings are how they interfere. Perhaps they'll be aliens like in the original series, or perhaps they'll be an advanced group of humans or cylons. There is nothing to suggest that the Virtual Beings are obviously not human or cylon. Simply saying "aliens" doesn't make for interesting speculation. How did Kara survive? Aliens. How did the five get to the colonies? Aliens. As for the us versus them thing, there has never been one groups of humans versus one group of cylons. From the very beginning you have the Galactica leading civilians away from a war they've lost, and the Pegasus killing any civilians who stood in the way of their attempt to win the war. There have always been many different groups, making alliances or fighting amongst one another, human versus cylon, cylon versus cylon, human versus human. But there has never been anything to suggest there is some other group (or groups) out there that aren't either human or cylon. One theory regarding Earth, is that in their war between cylons and humans, it was the humans who lost and eventually came back and nuked the planet, and perhaps this group of humans is still out there. Or maybe aliens did it. Well, we've been handed two very important clues with last week's ep. With Ellen's words " Saul... Everythings in place, we will be reborn together." This may explain where the Final Five came from & who made a copy of Starbuck. This is *Something Else #1*... *Something Else #2* : the big question, who or what nuked *Earth* ???? It clearly was not Ellen's group... Hmmmmmmm........
  5. Well, the newspapers are dying. At least the print versions are tho' online versions seem to be holding their own for now. CNN & MSNBC have a leftwing agenda that is easily picked up if watched long enough. At the other extreme is Fox News. I tend to be more center of the road. I'd rather listen to the BBC, Radio Australia, Radio Japan, etc as their reporting of US & international news seems to be less biased overall...
  6. You bring up a point I have silently fumed about for years. Global journalists decide where international attention will be directed, and what will be ignored. Decades back, this was not the role of journalists... and I simply cannot accept their transformation from reporters of international fact to interpreters, commentators and sole arbitrars over which international facts will be reported... while picking sides, of course... and which international facts will be utterly ignored. That's why I listen to shortwave & not CNN. US media has a definate bias... BTW Hi Di, long time no see...
  7. Who said that I was a *Hater*? All I said was I didn't care for the plot. I'm all for a second Planescape game... As long as it has a good plot. So call me a grumpy old Dwarf...
  8. That's the real horror of it. Look Dafur. Look at Ruanda with eight hundred thousand dead. Look at Cambodia with an admited one million dead ( Tho' the real figure is closer to three million ). The world did nothing. Damn our sorry souls to hell for it... Like I said before, the Arabs need to learn that there's a helluva lot worse than the Israelis out there in the dark...
  9. Hmm, true. History shows there's a bad track record there. Who would you suggest? I'm just mean enough to side with the Israelis & insist on the Turks, or no cease fire...
  10. Unfortunately that may be what Israel wanted, but like I said, I think Israel should change what it is doing by having a neutral, trustworthy party to arbitrate humanitarian aid. Perhaps this is unreasonable thinking, but my advice to Israel would be for them to solicit the assistance from other countries whom they trust will do the most they can to prevent more death (thus not allowing munitions/war aid for Hamas, and hopefully maximizing the efficacy of humanitarian aid distribution). Getting help from another country to do this would not mean Israel is weak, but as it is now, for Israel to distribute aid themselves might cause more deaths, because Hamas might just start killing the Israelites assisting, and the civilian Palestinians might be distrustful of Israel's intentions at this point. If the Turks are who you say they are, they are obviously not a good pick, and so I would recommend Israel reconsider. Well you can rule out Arabs, Europeans, & Russians. The Jewish experience with them has not been a pleasant one...
  11. Why do you think that the Israelis wanted the Turks for the job? 1) The Turks are Muslim, hense less friction with the Palestinians. 2) The Turks cant be bribed to look the other way. 3) The Arabs know that if they mess with the Turks, the Turks will come after them & to hell with international opinion or the UN... 4 ) The Arabs need to learn that there are far nastier things out there in the dark than the mere Israelis...
  12. Just a thought, There's something else out there in the dark besides humans & cylons...
  13. Hey Uncle Sargy, Long Time no see... If they do make a remake of Planescape, I hope it has a better plot than the first one. I was not a fan...
  14. Technically the Geneva Conventions *DO* cover irregular warfare. A warcrime is a warcrime is a warcrime, whether you wear a uniform or not. Under the Geneva Conventions, Hamas is *GUILTY* of warcrimes meerly by hiding their rocket launchers behind innocent civilians. Such are the actions of cowards pure and simple. If I had done such a thing while I was in uniform, I would have been prosecuted and executed for warcrimes. I have no sympathy whatsoever for Hamas. They deserve what they get at the hands of the Israelis. Hamas broke the rules...
  15. Because what you really want in life is a hungry troll? No, because I want the little Troll S.O. B. to starve...
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