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About KypCJ

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Hello guys ! I open this new thread to list some bugs than I saw during different playing session. But, in introduction, please excuse my english, I'm a french gamer So, about french version, there is a lot of troubles : - NPC have strange display, like "BB_Male_Fighter", and it's the same for our team. - objects haven't description, so, many times, we don't know what do we have in our inventory - during interaction, some lines of texts don't display (idem for the NPC answer) - with magnifying glass picto, no text appears - in character creation, there is no display for elf categories (no problem on human screen) A lot of theses problems disappears with english version. However, there is some troubles yet... - After changing area, quest disappears from the journal (but are still actived, like quest with ogre) - after main character creation, my wizard companion began without gear/armor - after reloaded old savegame, some people of my team lost weapons, armor. - sometimes, character freezes, it is impossible to select him, so => load previous savegame - after a fight, some characters continue to attack in vaccum, in walk time, staying... I hope it will be helpful for you. Thanks guys ! This game is truly awesome !
  2. So, for europeans, the good will be send only before go to work. The torture... ^^ Thanks for these informations !
  3. Oh great ! Maybe we have just wait 20 minutes... or two hours yet
  4. Perhaps by dint of pressing F5, servers exploded ?
  5. F5 touch hurts my fingers :D
  6. Meanwhile, I'm playing to Baldur's Gate Trilogy, but the wait is hard ... Thanks you Obsidian for making us so excited
  7. Hi ! Still waiting in Europe too. But I have got a question : I manage a pledge with Digital Collector version and a early access beta... Can I play to the incoming beta too ?
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