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Posts posted by dabise

  1. I'd say K2 is like foreplay without sex.  :luck:


    Or for women, perhaps the sex without the foreplay. :lol:

    So true. ^_^


    Nah, if you want to compare KotOR II to sex, it's more like this: You find a beautiful female, even more beautiful than the one before. Instinct tells that it's instant attraction. You make love, the foreplay is slower but you're more experienced this time, so you know what to expect. The actual sex is great, it has some new sting and flavour to it, but it's still as great as the last time, some would say even better. As you're approaching the climax, things seems to go too fast, the intensity is fading away, the essence of making love is transformed to basic lust. And at the point orgasm, you start wondering how it ended up like this?


    And after the act, you two wonder on what just happened, did any of us came? was there a point in this?


    Why did we have sex in the first place?



    ^ That post got a little carried away. This is Obsidianent.com not Playboy.com :p

  2. It's just too bad that we can't 'Try before we buy' in the movie and game industry.  We get to test drive our vehicles before purchasing them and we get to examine a house before buying one.  We can indeed see if our furniture has been finished or not and we can tell if our food we ordered is indeed what we wanted.




    We also can't make exact copies of homes and furniture and then return them after we have tested them out or looked them over.




    As far as the game and the posted article goes, I am tired of reading the same old reasons for why people don't like the game. Most of this comes from over analyzing. If you really thought about what happened in the game you would see that yes it seemed unfinished, but the story had the strength to make The Sith Lords a good game and well worth my 50 bucks. I really don't know what everyone was expecting.



    1.) Yes I know we can't do that and that is why I stated it is 'too bad we can't do that'. Who is over analyzing now?

    2.) If you don't like reading it then don't.

    3.) The problem isn't the story. That was just annoying, like a bad ending to a great movie. The problem is the bugs that got by beta testing for the Xbox and then somehow got through to the PC.



    The readme.txt file stated that KOTOR2 crashes if you remain in a place for too long without going to a new 'zone' within a certain time limit. How many products are sold in that state outside of the entertainment industry. I don't see a brand new Ford F250 stalling on the side of the road because you haven't turned on the air conditioner in the last 45 minutes.

  3. Try to remember that this game has been released to several non-english speaking countries and those folks have as much reason to post on these boards and address the developers as we do.



    From what I've seen on most messageboards, some people who speak english as a 2nd language can write it better than folks who speak english as their native tongue.



    Yes, ENGLISH. Not American. Americans speak English whether they want to admit it or not ;)




    So 'come down' on folks on a messageboard for not writing proper english all you want, but try to keep that in mind. And heaven forbid you make a grammatical or spelling error in one of your posts... :shifty:"



    However, if that poster indeed does speak English as their primary language.... 'nuff said.




    Anyhow, on to your topic. Yes the game was rushed at the end and it was very apparent, but it wasn't THAT bad of a game. Worth 50 bucks retail? No way. Will it impact the credibility of Obsidian as a company? Well, yeah. State some more obvious facts please.


    It's just too bad that we can't 'Try before we buy' in the movie and game industry. We get to test drive our vehicles before purchasing them and we get to examine a house before buying one. We can indeed see if our furniture has been finished or not and we can tell if our food we ordered is indeed what we wanted.


    The entertainment industry is getting away with 'bloody murder' and I really think there should be some type of official organization that polices these things. That many bugs in a game? Send it back and fix it. None of this internal 'working for the company's best interest' beta testing. In a consumer's market the focus should always be on the consumer.


    An example of people getting fed up is the consumers of the music industry. You can only put a fancy wrapper on crap for so long before people just stop buying it. One good song in a mix and mash of 10-12 'filler songs'. The gaming industry is no different.


    It is indeed sad that the folks who run the gaming industry are the same 'I need profits now' folks who ruined all the other entertainment industries. Before games were made by gamers and now it is games who are made by gamers who are told what to do by corporate suits who have no conception of what they are invested in. It doesn't matter to them as long as costs are less than revenue.


    I miss the good ol' days of demos and REAL reviews in magazines.


    9.3 for an unfinished and buggy game? How much did they pay/threaten you? lol.


    Oh well. Live and learn. They are working on NWN2 right now and since Bioware is in on it I guess I'll be getting another Obsidian Entertainment product in the future. Because of their buddies at bioware are they getting a 2nd chance with me.



    Well, KOTOR2 was pretty good regardless of the bugs. I suppose they have gotten a 2nd chance with me anyhow. A reluctant 2nd chance hehe.

  4. 1.) Sometimes text flies by (NPC TEXT and SOUND) that I can't read or hear any of it. This was and still is a problem in the original KotOR as well. It is like an instant fast forward to my next set of conversation choices.


    2.) Many times my group NPCs will miss their cue for an interjection. IE: I did the Mandalorian stuck on the cliff part 4 times as a test with the same save game/characters/everything.


    The first time the Handmaiden interjected and asked why I spared his life. She then said she'd think on what I had just said.

    The next 2 times she missed her cue and on the 4th and final test I did she said her lines. I am positive that it has something to do with the distance she is away from me at the time of her attempt of interjection.


    This dissappoints me to no end. How much of the game am I missing because of this? I've witnessed maybe 5 interjections total (not counting Kreia's since she doesn't have to be in the party to open her fool mouth :p )



    3.) Lightside/darkside shifts in my party members for no apparent reason. (No I am not using cheats, never used them yet) One minute the Handmaiden is max light, the next she's max dark. This happens when loading up a new map/zone. Same for all party members aside from Kreia.


    4.) You can get the handmaiden to equip herself with her 'family jedi robe' over and over and over and sell it off. More of an exploit bug I suppose.


    5.) No matter what side (light or dark) or what conversation options I choose with bao-dur I can't get him to say much of anything. After about 2 sets of conversations he doesn't have anything to say because I have nothing to say to him but the 'I'll be leaving' phrase.


    6.) Many crashing/system restart bugs. They are so intense that one time the reset bug caused my cat who was laying on my lap to actually get up and take a dump on my KotOR game discs, then refuse to bury them. How many cats do you know that don't bury their crap? I guess he figured it wasn't just his crap on my desk, eh? I think I heard him laughing as he left my room saying 'Sucker!' in cat-talk.






    I'm glad I had this chance to pay to beta test your product and find it had the worst ending in the history of gaming attached to it. (Along with many many many bugs)


    This is the first game I only finished once and stopped at the 2nd last level of each game there after (a total of 3 unfinished games because I didn't want to witness that poor excuse of an ending again.)

  5. ---------SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!--------































    Kreia wanted to purge the stagnation out of the Jedi and Sith order. She seeks knowledge and in order to gain that knowledge you cannot sit back and think that something is perfect and needs no change. eg: Teachings of the Jedi and the Sith.



    The theme started with Atris and the council passing judgement on the exile solely upon the teachings of the Jedi. None of them were at Malachor yet they passed judgement on the exile. The best line given was one by you as the exile:


    "Would we be having this conversation in Mandalorian right now if we had not acted?"



    Kreia chose to save the force. The 'echo' was not the thing destroying it. A bunch of old men and women sitting comfy at a council table were killing it. All they did was study the past to figure out the future and what they should have been doing was acting on the present to decide the future.


    So what did she do? She used you. She had tried to use Nihilus in the same way but failed and you were the last one of your 'kind'. The Exile (you) had cast away the teachings of the Jedi, had seen war first hand at massive scales, and you were not corrupted by the sith teachings either. The exile was the 'perfect' student.



    Notice how Sion, Nihilus and even Traya all die? Notice how all of the Jedi Council die? She purged the old ways of thinking towards the force and allowed the exile to remake the jedi/sith.


    Now was the exile the last jedi? No. Revan and the unknown sith empire still existed somewhere out there and Traya knew that the current sith empire and Jedi council did not have what it would take to face the sith that have not been seen yet.


    The sith you faced would have folded fast to this new power and the Jedi would have sat back and analyzed the problem until it was too late to act (just like Malachor).




    So was Tray evil? No. Was she good? No. She was a survivalist and that is her gift to the exile and his/her followers. That is her gift to the galaxy. Only with a new Jedi/Sith order could the galaxy survive.



    I'm willing to put money on my next statement. I bet the next KotOR will involve the sith empire in the unknown region. I'm betting the new 'teachings' forged by Traya's and the Exile's journey in KotOR2 will be the teachings for the new Jedi order and Sith empire.


    It comes down to something we all understand.


    Have you ever been in a position where you have to take orders from people who don't know their butt from a hole in the ground? Like that foreman who tells you to do this job before the next when you know that is the wrong order. Do you follow their judgement? If you want to keep your job you do.



    Just like Obsidian. Do you tell your employer that the game is not quite finished and you need more time or do you flip them the bird and finish it the right way and on your own terms?


    One way will get you fired... guess which way that is hehe. Unfortunately the right way will get you fired. Much like how the exile got 'fired' by going to war against the Jedi 'corporation' because it was the right thing to do.


    Nothing like taking orders from a bunch of pencil pushing morons, eh? If they took the time to jump down into your shoes for a day I'm sure many of their decisions would be different.



    Some answers cannot be found in books. Sometimes you gotta get in there and get your hands dirty.

  6. 1.) Visas. No, not because it was a 'sexy' voice but because it suited her character's look quite well.

    2.) Sion. No, not because it was a 'sexy'... err wait... hehe. Very good voice.

    3.) Mira. She did a wonderful job.




    These are the best 3 for THIS game which pales in comparison to some others I've played. If you want to hear some good voice acting in other games check these ones out.



    Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen2, Soul Reaver 2, and Defiance.

    The voices of Raziel and Kain are phenomenal.



    Sadly a game came out that beat these guys out (not by much but it did) was the Performance of Jen and Scree in Primal.



    The voice acting for both KotOR games were good but they don't make my top 5, that is for sure.

  7. Exile: Single Silver

    Visas: Red, and short orange in offhand (orange looks cool hehe)

    Bao Dur: Single Blue

    Atton: double violet

    Handmaiden: Double blue

    Kreia: She gets a lousy vibroblade and is stuffed away on the Ebon hawk because I hate her.

    Mira: single green.





    I notice I am not the only one who doesn't immediately go with dual weilding sabres. Is that because there are so few of them to go around or because it is preference?



    I seem to do much better with a single light sabre. I take less damage, though it does take longer to kill enemies I get more time to mess about with force powers. My sabre is used mainly as an alternative way to attack force resistant enemies hehe.


    I have a choice, cut 6 guys up with 2 sabres or kill them all by using force lightning twice.... choices :p

  8. In all seriousness, A New Hope and Empire Strikes back were the best starwars movies. Return of the Jedi was good, but the whole Ewok thing didn't sit well with me.




    As for comparing EP1 and EP2 to a movie like The Fifth Element is concerned:


    It is a GREAT comparison. George Lucas made his claim to fame with stunning visual effects and some great action scenes all combined with a healthy dose of imagination. Hell, the visual effects used in EP4-6 were way before their time and they STILL look good today.



    The difference between a movie like The Fifth Element and Starwars EP2 is that the fifth element was just hands down better (and about a thousand times better than EP1).



    Reasons? Fifth Element was made in 1994 (IIRC) and it's visual effects were better than EP2's visuals. Compare the chase scenes in both movies and tell me which one you enjoyed more.


    Another reason: The Fifth Element was much more an adult movie than EP1 and EP2. The acting was also much better. EP1-3 has Natalie Portman (who is one hell of an actress) but she can't hold the movies together. (Watch Garden State if you think she is a bad actress. If you still have the same opinion after watching that movie then you are still wrong lol)


    Stack Mila Jovovich, Bruce Willis, Ian Holme and Gary Oldman against Natalie Portman and there is no contest (Natalie is a better actor than all of them save Gary Oldman IMO. Samuel Jackson is a good actor but he isn't given a big enough part in the movies and his character isn't really fit for him. Jewels in pulp fiction was probably his best performance, not because he acted any better but because it meshed with his style a little more.



    The Starwars prequels are plagued by bad casting save for one Natalie Portman and even then her character is so terribly drawn out that her act is not as convincing as she is capable of.




    Will EP3 be the best Starwars movie ever? Who knows? The Episode 1 and 2 teasers got me all pumped up and they both let me down pretty hard. I am hoping that this movie will be a good one but I have my doubts.



    One thing I do know is that this will be the last Starwars movie. I don't know if I am a little sad or just extremely relieved because of this fact.



    Starwars was the movie that changed much how movies are made today. George Lucas has changed the filming industry more than anyone else I can think of. (Willow was the breakthrough to computer generated special effects FYI)


    He's coming up as lacking now though. People have seen all the flashy effects they can handle and his movies aren't breakthroughs in technology anymore. He has to get by on his writing ability which I think he said himself, it sucks.

  9. Icewind Dale art was awesome and avatars from all the Bio games were pretty classy.


    The games whose art really blew me away though  are the Disciples series. The gameplay is good strategy gaming, very difficult at times, and that alone would sell the game, but on top of that, all the avatars, all the units, all the towns and buildings are drawn with a style and clarity that really go above and beyond the needs of the game. In fact when I think of those games I remember the art in front of the gameplay, which is why I posted on this thread.


    (It's canadian i think, so another kudo to all the canucks out there.)



    When Canadians make things they are usually of exceptional quality and people *choose* to acknowledge it. When we don't make something that is exceptional it isn't noticed at all. I think that has some kind of advantage :wub:


    It's just like how the USA will *choose* to acknowledge when we kick their butt in hockey.... *runs away*


    LOL (I had to sneak that one in... sorry)

  10. Mira Mission and Bastila are quite beautiful ladies of KOTOR series.

    I concur.

    Mira was the best of TSL ladies.



    Yeah but only by a hair.....handmaiden had more potential but that platenim blonde crew cut was terrible....when are we going to get a hot, real blonde, in a kotor game!!!!!???




    The Handmaiden is an Albino. (Pale skin, white hair, and white eye color)

  11. The ship is under the control of T3. The reason you can't access the data logs as to where the ship has been is because the ship *was* Revan's ship in the first KoTOR (your ship I guess).



    Since Revan went to a place he/she could not bring his/her friends because it had to remain a secret I'm sure we can figure out that T3 is STILL Revan's droid and T3 is acting on Revan's wishes to not allow information of the place Revan has gone to be leaked out.



    That is why you don't know where the ship came from, that is why you never find out (unless I missed some dialog).



    I'm sure if there is a 3rd KotOR it will revolve around Revan again and it will take place in the galaxy he/she travelled to and lots of things may make sense... or not because you never know when who ever develops the 3rd KotOR will cut the ending short and make a game that doesn't make any sense nor give you a good ending :)

  12. I don't think Schutta is new. I think it was in Empire Strikes Back that a protocol droid called C-3PO a schutta and C-3PO said something to the effect of "How rude!"



    Not sure what it means, just know it is an obscenity in the Star Wars universe hehe. Use your imagination :)

  13. ok iam at  the end of onderon and I am on the sky ramp. I know you can either access the concole to open the force field or bash it open. but the problem is that none of these things work.  this has to be a bug.  I tried everything bashing the force field and trying the console in the circuler room but it doenst work. Anyone have any ideas?



    I've done the console way of opening it and I've opened it by stabbing it with a lightsabre. If you aren't using a sabre or Bao Dur I don't think you can bash them open.


    That was for the Force Fields on the ramp going to the palace, if that is the ones you mean.

  14. If this is going to be the style of Obsidian's games, NWN 2 looks leery, especially it has a way shorter development time compared to the first game.



    The good news is if it's anything like the original NWN the community can make a better single player campaign than the makers of the game and those modules are free.



    It's a shame that KotOR and KotOR 2 didn't have a toolset like the Aurora tool set =\


    I've had NWN since it first hit the shelves and I still make mods more than I play any games at all. Unlimited fun with that toolset if you are a little creative and understand object oriented programming. It is time consuming but it helped me realize a childhood dream of making my very own RPG... to a small extent, but better than nothing at all :p

  15. When I see crap I state that it is crap.  When I see something good, I state that it is good.  The ending was crap.  Blunt or not, it is being honest.  If I see a friend with a burger hanging out of his nose, I would tell him that he has a burger hanging out of his nose.  KotOR 2's ending is one giant burger.





    But that's the weird thing about K2. The feeling you get whilst playing it urges you to play on (perhaps more so than K1). But the pathetic excuse for an ending leaves such a bad taste in the mouth, that you never really want to touch it again!



    I find that funny. I have finished the game once as a DS male. I then made an LS male and ran through right up to the part before the last level and stopped. I then made a DS female and got right up to the part before the last level and stopped...



    The ending really did leave a bad taste in my mouth. Bad enough that I figured starting over would be better than finishing my previous games to the very end.


    I REALLY hope that they fiddle with the ending a bit in this patch but I highly doubt it. Lucas Arts will only see the dollar signs in their ledger and think all is well, meanwhile I'm sure I'm not alone when I am pondering if I will ever buy another KotOR game. It just isn't right to not want to finish the game, because quite literally, the ending seems to spoil all of the fun I had getting there =\


    It feels like playing the first 90% of the game was like winning the lottery and then I found out that there was a mistake in the remaining 10% and my lottery winnings were taken away from me.


    Or I play a hell of a hockey game and score the winning goal only to have the Refs go to instant replay and find that the net was off the anchors =\

  16. But to solve that problem, don't use flurry or any special attack or force powers....won't be so easy then.

    Uh, it shouldn't be up to the player to artificially rebalance the game, you know. That's the game designers' job.


    Again, you say that games are for entertainment and that's all what they're for. Let's see how this is a little fallacy, shall we?


    Games are for entertainment and that's all they are for. Movies are for entertainment, and that's all they are for. Thus, games are movies. :p



    Games are used for military training too :thumbsup:

  17. Take it from me. The last thing developers want is to push something out the door before it is finished and up to their standards. The cut out endings and dialogues and plot twists are evidence enough that Obsidian put forth much time, effort and care into this game.


    I will judge obsidian by this ONE game. Lucky for them it is pretty damn good. I was disappointed like the rest of you that the ending(s) sucked pretty bad and that the character relationship development seemed to be cut a little short.


    There was lots of foreshadowing of sacrifices to come yet I haven't seen any of them. (Party member sacrificing themselves. It was practically a theme hehe).




    What I do know is that despite the few bugs here and there (I solved about 90% of the bugs by reinstalling DX9.0c again over top of the existing one and then reinstalling all of my drivers again. No more crashing, YAY) is that Obsidian probably made the most complex villain in any RPG game to date. They made one of the best stories I have ever played through (until the ending :"> ) with enough plot twists and total "I'll be damned" moments that I was eager to find out what happens next.


    This game is just great.



    As for the rushing the ending. Many of you may not be familiar with how these projects work so I'll do a little background from my profession (I'm not a game dev but I can assume it is all the same)


    1.) You make a bid on a contract where you estimate X hours @ Y dollars per hour and a final release date. If you win the contract you are then required to meet your part of the deal.


    2.) It is IMPOSSIBLE to accurately measure the scope of your project. You give an estimate (usually going a little over what you think it will cost to make in case something happens along the way)


    3.) If you do not meet your end of the agreement the company who gave you the contract has a few options. a.) Stop production, take what they can and pass it on to another company. b.) Supply more money and time to the company.



    The thing is, Lucas Arts more than likely did NOT want to release the game AFTER the x-mas shopping time. Most shoppers are broke after the new years and will not be buying any more non-essential products and that means Lucas Arts will not make the money they had hoped for and if they didn't make the money they had hoped for, guess what? They would not even consider making KotOR3.



    Do I agree with these practices? As a gamer, I do not. I despise unfinished work. As a business man trying to make his way in this world just like everyone else, I do what my boss tells me to do (to an extent)


    Obsidian made one hell of a game in such a short amount of time. Had Lucas Arts given them a few more months the game would have been what we all expected it to be.



    Now ask yourself this: What would you rather have? A really good game that will ensure that KotOR3 will be an option or a better game that would put the franchise in jeopardy? I've released work that I thought was NOT ready for final distribution but I had a choice. Release it, or find a new job. Not because I'd get fired but because our contract would go out the window and we'd all get laid off.



    Do not judge Obsidian by this one game if you feel it was not to your liking. The powers that be will always be just that, and the people who truly care about quality (Obsidian in this example) will always have the the last say in what happens when the 'Powers that be' speak.

  18. The game is only as easy as you make it for yourself. What is the purpose of the game? To see the ending credits roll by after a short FMV?


    The first time I played through the game I was learning the ropes and all of the new skills and force powers.


    The second time I went through I decided to turn Visas Marr to the light side (was fairly easy once I learned her character)


    The third time I went through it my plan was to seduce the Handmaiden to the dark side (dark side mastery) and try to seduce Mira as well.


    I failed at that attempt. So it was hard and I will try again.




    Don't think of 'beating games' as finding the quickest easiest way to see the credits roll by. Set some goals that you haven't done yet and mix them up a little. Combine some of them etc etc. Each time you play the story changes by the decisions you make. (Slightly but worth the while)

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