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  1. Having some issues with this, as well. Aloth is dropping to negative approval with me after specific quests are accepted or incremented. Avoiding accepting or incrementing those quests results in no approval drop. The approval drop is coming with a talk from him about how I'm being "too traditional." For reference, my PC's highest personality traits are Clever (full wheel), followed by equal scores in Stoic, Rational, Passionate, and Benevolent (three quarters of a wheel). I do not have traditional anywhere in my personality traits (I don't have any points in any of the personality types he dislikes). Aloth gives me the "you're being too traditional" talk and I lose approval with him if I talk to Aenalys about Oswald for the quest "Lost Dues in Good Faith" in such a way as to progress the chain. If I don't talk to her, or do not progress that quest, no talk and no approval loss. A couple hours of gameplay later, it's happening when I accept the Prince Aruhui's quest "Trade Secrets." I've tried answering the Prince in various ways, doesn't seem to make a difference. Neither does Aloth react to anything I say during these conversations -- he does, however, react to what others say. I don't mind him being difficult to please, but his reason for approval loss isn't making any sense at this moment. I'm really not playing a traditionalist as far as I can see.
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