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Jam de Ebme

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About Jam de Ebme

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  1. Aimo, is there a line yet for copies of Exile? We missed Knights, we ain't missing this one! ^____________________________^
  2. Honestly? I'm so disappointed in the ending of what was otherwise an impossibility. . . a game that lived up to KOTOR I. The first game was only so-so to me until the revelation of Revan. From then on I was so amazed at how well they'd strung me along through sub-quests and mini games and other assorted (though well-disguised) cliche's of the genre that it wasn't until I discovered who my character had been that I realized I cared what those around him thought. The characters became the focus of my interest. My overall reaction to this sequel was that this was a good game, throughly enjoyable, and it had a few fantastic characters, along with some ridiculously lame ones. Allow me to explain. Again, I started with a Light Side male, but by the end of the game it felt like they were trying to immitate an anime harem show like Tenchi Muyo or Love Hina. You have three females who are to one degree or another chasing you and (thankfully) one who just wants you for obscure reasons. I wasn't aware that my character had a romance brewing with Visas until she all but seduced him in Kreia's chamber. Until that point I was applauding the game's lack of serious romantic overtones. . . though I admit to tryng to hook Exlie up with Mira. Further overencumberance of characters came in the personage (ha!) of G0t0. Like I would ever let a person near me who was animating a torture droid, let alone allow said droid on my ship in close contact with friends. Candeorus, this time, had good reasons for being there and by the time he arrived I had ample confidence of my "Character" to let him stay, but I wanted G0t0 off my ship so fast he'd leave a vapor trail. The saving grace in all this, was Atton. If there is ever a KOTOR hall of fame than Atton in all his snarky glory needs to be it's first inductee. All the fun of Carth with none of his trotured-soul-angstfest-edness. My gosh, I'm long-widned. Anyway, the last third of the game just felt so much like all the much-hyped control and influence of other characters was flushed down the toilet and frankly, the endgame was so horridly disapointing that I had a hard time beliveing it was shipped like that. More loose ends and sloppy knots that a boy scout jamboree.
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