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Everything posted by nampigai

  1. Tie-Fighter (I'll try to get a hold on it again) the dark forces/jedi knight series and SW: Rebellion.
  2. as long as you keep it in the game, you can be as evil as you want ;-)
  3. ROFL, yea I must agree Han is awesome, actually none of my favorit SW chars are jedi. They are just people using cheat codes giving them semigodly powers. However I still like the damn light sabers ;-)
  4. I wouldn't call my self a star wars fanatic, I've read some of the books, some comics, seen the movies and played some of the games. However what I like about fett is his whole "I don't give a damn" attitude and that he almost match up against Jedi as did his "father" offcourse they have their armors with loads of weapons but still ... anywho I would not like to see a fett in the KotOR, I don't understand why they included an armor of Cassus Fett either? another thing, if anyof you like the mandalorians just dl the mandalorian "robe" of Darth ToMeR. http://darthtomer.tripod.com/
  5. thanks Ivan! I've heard about these crystals but never found them....until know that is ;-)
  6. ok, I've just allways hoped that there'd be something more to it.
  7. does anyone has any pics, now I need to see what I'm talking 'bout
  8. lol ok, I just got extatic since I thought someone finally found the purpose of that damn yavin station.
  9. ahhh the Rodian? I never actually understood that mining station.... is there any quests there? I've played dozens of times and tried to fly there from time to time but without any changes?
  10. except Bothawui, the same planets as my fellow dune fan. I truly do not like nor trust politicians anymore
  11. Actually, the 'lion' species is what Juhani was, though they fooked up royally with her model. Here's a piccy of a male Cathar, he's behind Han Solo. great trilogy btw along with Zahn's books this is my favorit
  12. thanks for the mod Alexia, obviously, I'd be lesbian if I was a girl as well...
  13. oh sorry! I didn't create it just found it, but glad you like it ;-)
  14. http://swooh.com/peon/MatChewga/kotor/#download finally, thought some might be interrested in this.
  15. now kefka that's not fair, the lil fellow makes a damn good cup of coffee ;-)
  16. we'll se who's the last ones standing ;-)
  17. http://www.darkhorse.com/profile/profile.php?sku=47-426 for anyone who wants to read about him
  18. nevermind I'm sure most people here got that ;-)
  19. lol @ Dakron @ Alexia it's just a question, I could never do it, nor kill anyother in my family.
  20. we'll never know, but given the choice nomatter how badass you wanna be, would you kill your son, or kill the person who keeps you around like a petrancor? I say it's an easy one ;-)
  21. only until he was overthrown ;-)
  22. I prefer the light side both Ulic and Vader turned away from the dark side (so did revan in my game)
  23. lol the reason I don't like the Sith is there way of thinking. I saved Sunry only because of the consequences if I didn't, but I'll try the next time I play to let him fry.
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