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Shalynn Lors

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Posts posted by Shalynn Lors

  1. Ah.. good to know. I won a few times because of this, and thought it was a bug... :D

    It is - maybe. In KotOR 1 this situation was a loose, not a win. All card slots full = you loose. Either they changed the pazaak rules for KotOR 2, or it is a bug.


    I lost several pazaak games which I would have won in KotOR 1 - so I guess it's possible they changed the rules...

  2. Why does KOTOR 3 need a new engine anyway? I like it the way it is. Maybe with a few tweaks but thats all. Who cares if it isn't advanced? Super Mario Bros 3 isn't advanced but people still love it.


    I'm inclined to agree. I associate the KotOR engine with the storyline and gameworld now. Making an Unreal3 engine or HL2 engine KotOR would make it feel like a different world.


    I would like to see improvements in texture resolution, and the creation of new models and textures, but I don't see that this would necessitate an entirely new engine which changes the feel of the world completely from what we're familiar with.

    I like it too. "Everyone" says the engine is so old etc, but that's ridiculous. It's perfectly okay and the "feeling" while playing is great.


    But they have to make/use a new engine for part 3, every gaming mag will write otherwise "oh nooo it's so ooold, oh my god!!!" - so there is no choice, not really. Hopefully the "feeling" will stay similar, would be okay then.

  3. I'm coming in late here I know....But do you know what fixes they are addressing with this patch?  I'm guessing they're not going to be able to fix everything, but is there a site that I/we can look at to get some more info?  Thanks!  :(

    No, they (the devs) already posted in this forum that no change log will be available before release. So it comes simultaneously with the patch download.

  4. I send them an angry E-mail from a few computers (from a few different email domains), saying that they should release a temporary patch or something because a lot of people can't play the game and I told them that they don't care from us anymore after we paid good money and now they don't care.


    I think you people should email them too, the more emails they get the more rush there will be at LucasArts

  5. Since KotOR 1 available:


    Homepage: http://kotor-theme.50megs.com/index.html


    Pazaak Online 1.3.3:


    Download: http://files.filefront.com/Pazaak_Online_v...;/fileinfo.html


    and the other variant Pazaak Arcade:


    Pazaak Arcade v1.0.0 (base): http://files.filefront.com/3802610


    Pazaak Arcade v1.0.1 update: http://files.filefront.com/3815226 (only new exe, so you need both)


    Of course it's designed after Pazaak from KotOR 1! Maybe a new set will be made with the new Cards from Part 2.

  6. You are right when saying the exile is really powerful. I experienced this also. In KotOR 1 the main character was often only there to receive the hits and your party members behind you with ranged weapons made the kills. Revan only tried to hit the enemies but did not much damage to them. In KotOR 2 almost every lightsaber strike is a success. With master flurry nothing can stop you.


    My guess is they knew about the situation in KotOR 1 and tried to change this. It's the main character after all. They have just gone a little bit too far.


    Also the difference between easy/medium/hard should be a greater one. That's why we have three of them, right? Easy for beginners and Hard should really make you sweat - if it's too hard you could still switch back to medium, so no problem.

  7. TOO LONG if you ask me.


    But more serious - I believe "soon" means the next two weeks. That's my definition of soon (when it comes to releasing of patches for pc-games). Anything else would be... well - NOT soon.


    Also, I guess, they were already working on the patch before the release. Either they never played their own game, or they already knew about all the bugs in it. So it's _possible_ they have something ready.


    Everything is pure speculation and I doubt anyone (except Obsidian of course) can give you anything else.

  8. so I made Dxun my last stop

    Dxun was also my last stop, but it obviously didn't help.

    My progress was Telos --> Dantooine --> Korriban --> (Onderon) Dxun, so this means I have to play through the whole game again ??


    No way !! :rolleyes:  >_<


    I'll wait for the patch instead of some tedious replay scenario, barf................


    And also a replay scenario that MAYBE works, what if you'd replayed for 10 (or more) hours and it still didn't work ?


    Nevertheless it is strange that you are restrained to a certain "planet visiting order", the manual says nothing of that.......the freedom of the game should be that you can move around at your will.

    I'll second that!


    According to the built-in clock, I've played KOTOR 2 for 34 hours to come that far! There is _absolutely_ NO WAY I'm starting all over again. Especially because it's not guaranteed it will work the next time.


    I don't start crying because of simple bugs, I accept that there are bugs in any game, but bugs that are effectively stopping you from FINISHING the game are a completly different league!


    Before a patch comes out resolving at least this problem, I won't play it again.

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