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Marcvs Caesar

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Posts posted by Marcvs Caesar


    Wizard = weak early, strong late


    Warrior = opposite


    Thats called variety/depht. Not every class or any game element have to be the same in any concievable way at all. In fact its best if they are different to some degree in all concievable ways.

    That's actually just called terrible design. It works in a PnP game, because you've got SO many minute aspects to draw from for any given situation. But, in a cRPG, it just turns into "you have a small situational window in which playing your class won't feel crappy."


    It's not about making them the exact same, either. People misunderstand the crap out of balance, just because certain dev teams do it wrong with games, and tend to apply the term WAY too generally. It's not that the Wizard should do exactly the same DPS and serve the same functions as the Warrior. The "wrongness" is in the Wizard being so ridiculously weak and mostly useless early on, and in the Warrior being pretty sub-par later (albeit, less sub-par than the early Wizard).


    Anywho, it's never good design to balance something out with "don't worry, you'll suck for a while, so it's okay."


    Don't forget that the reason behind the fact that fighters were sub-par at higher levels is because of physical limitations. That's why non-magical classes required magical equipment. It's good design because it's supposed to be a role-playing game and role-playing games require verisimilitude.

    Your type of balance still requires placing unnecessary limitations.

    • Like 1
  2. Considering PoE was backed because it was marketed as a spiritual successor to the Infinity Engine games, the game is supposed to live up to that expectation.

    You have plenty, an abundance of (so called) RPGs on the market that are accessible, games like Baldur's Gate II and Planescape: Torment are extinct. So for the love of all the gods that were ever worshiped in this world, don't be greedy and let us have a proper sucessor to the IE games.

    • Like 6
  3. It's Obsidian, thus the reason why there is not much discussion of these issues is simply that we think of these as a given. In my opinion at least.


    Edit: One of the deciding factors in many backers inclination to support I expect.


    Some of the gameplay mechanics are making me worry, there's not much information about the game yet but I still worry. Gameplay mechanics should adapt the narrative and setting not the other way around. I hope the developers aren't focusing too much on balance and accessibility, this is a singleplayer game so that shouldn't have high priority.


    Did you watch the videos?

  4. There doesn't seem to be much discussion on the elements that, in my opinion, are the most important in a role-playing game. The elements that gave the Infinity Engine games the quality that they are renowned for: Narrative, Setting, Depth, Immersion and Choice and Consequence.


    Here are the topics analyzed by a youtube personality called MrBtongue in a insightful, articulate and entertaining way:


    Narrative: TUN: The Shandification of Fallout


    Setting and Immersion: TUN: The Elder Scrolls VI - Youtubia


    Depth: Creepy, Obsessive Nerdlove: Planescape: Torment: Colons


    Choice and Consequence: TUN: Choice and Consequence



    What is your opinion on these topics? Do you agree with MrBtongue on all of them? How important are these elements to you?

    • Like 3

    The problem is that Wizards are limited to damage, buff and debuff spells only. For someone used to the versatility and complexity of D&D Wizards, it's disappointing to say the least. As for Chanters, well their archetype is similar to the Bard class from D&D and I really don't like Bards.


    If I had to pick a class to play right now, I would be staring at the screen not knowing what to pick.


    Well the AD&D wizards needed toning down a bit: they were way too powerful at high levels. But I agree that diversity in their capability would be quite appropriate to the archetype. As described, those sound primarily like battle mages.



    And they were way too weak at low levels, easily killed without defensive magic and could only cast a few spells per spell level. I'm pretty sure the weaknesses outweigh the strengths. From my perspective no they were not way too powerful, perhaps they were annoying sometimes to fight but definitely not overpowered. Most importantly however, considering the world and setting it made sense for wizards to be powerful at high levels.


    Playing as a Wizard in AD&D was hard and frustating at lower levels but incredibly satisfying when you finally managed to reach high levels. That's what playing as a wizard meant, and I liked it.


    I must agree that it is indeed strange that the wizard lacks summoning spells. (what descent mage doesn't want to acquire knowledge via interdimensional beings? or creating / summoning minions to do his biding? maybe even try to create life?)


    Emphasis mine. Over half of the classes in PoE are mages of some sort or another, and as originally pitched, all of them were supposed to be.


    The necromancer minion-master archetype is there. It's in the Chanter class, which is immaterial, unless your issue is that necromancer archetypes should also be able to do everything else. If your only gripe is that it's not in the wizard class, that's ... well, I guess that's your gripe. But wizards aren't supposed to be able to do everything in PoE. Them's the breaks.


    The problem is that Wizards are limited to damage, buff and debuff spells only. For someone used to the versatility and complexity of D&D Wizards, it's disappointing to say the least. As for Chanters, well their archetype is similar to the Bard class from D&D and I really don't like Bards.

    If I had to pick a class to play right now, I would be staring at the screen not knowing what to pick.

  7. "Do not make it to complicated. I am in the gog forums and for the Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) games (Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, . . .) there are tons of questions like "I am new to this game. How do I create a good char?" I am a scientist and it took me lots of reading of character creation guides and several tries to make a character that finished NWN2"


     I never had to read anything in order to play and finish any of the D&D computer games, not even the manual and I had never even touched a PnP RPG before much less D&D so it wasn't that complex.





    "Please do not make things such as ECL classes or EXP penalty"


    I agree that the EXP penalty is absurd in singleplayer.





    "You should not get punished for taking the class you like or a race that looks cool"


    If you're playing a very short race like gnomes then you shouldn't be able to use unwieldy weapons like the great sword. It's all about context and logic.





    "Tons of classes, races, skills and feats with tons of requirements for each doesn´t make things better. Sometimes a smaller amount of choices is better if you show that there are significant differences between those choices"


    Those are there so you can shape your character to your specifications. It's customization at it's best. Why would you want limitations?





    "I think that PnP rules are not the best bases for a computer game. There are many good DnD games, but the rules are often very complicated and many PnP things cannot be implemented in a computer game correctly because in PnP you are only limited by your imagination but in a computer game you are limited by the game engine"


    Nonsense. You only need to find a way to make those "PnP things" work in the game engine and problem solved. The best games I've played were based on PnP RPGs and usually the ones that aren't tend to be shallow. I consider D&D to be the "soul" of the old IE games.





    "I think that random equipment is good"


    I completely disagree. Most of the equipment and loot should be static unless there's some sort of progression system for the NPCs.





    "Be careful when crafting items. If you can easily craft items that are better than anything you can find, finding items becomes useless unless they are crafting material"


    Then in turn crafting becomes useless, if you're going to waste your precious level up points in crafting then you should be rewarded for it. And if you reach the maximum level in crafting then you should be able to create items on the same level as the most powerful items in the game.

    • Like 2

    Innovation is only good if it's an improvement over tradition


    No it isnt.


    Whether it is better or not in the end has absolutely nothing to do with it. If it takes things forward or even tries, its innovation. Whether its forward to worse or better is irrelevant to whether its innovation.


    At the end of the day, this is how you innovate. You take things forward and try what works and what doesnt. The only thing that sticking to status quo aciheves is stagnation. If the innovation does not work out, we learn from it and create something more innovative yet. Sticing to status quo just because it didnt quite work out is the most retarded solution ever.



    I don't completely disagree with that, but you're confusing theory with practice. You should only apply an innovative theory into practice if it works/is superior. You're being absolute when it's relative.

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    Isn't PoE supposed to be a successor to the old IE games and funded by people who liked those games? Because the more I learn about PoE, the less it seems to be like the old IE games.


    Its called innovation and it is very much a good thing.


    Now if we forged a scale on one end of it would be BG1 and on the other end it would be uhm...Dragon age 2. Where do you place Poe on this scale? I would place it 80% towards the BG1 so its fine.



    The system that seems to be used in PoE is not believable so I very much dislike it.


    And what is that system? How is it different from infinity? The only changes I know of are that there is a stash and lack of carry weight which I cant personally see making a huge difference because the system in Infinity was completely broken, at least in the IWD games. In BG it was a tad better because you couldnt carry as many oodles of ****.



    Innovation implies there's a new solution to a problem that is better than the previous one, I wouldn't call this new inventory system better than the previous one, not at all. So to me it's just change, for the worse.


    if Baldur's Gate is on the right and Dragon Age 2 is on the left, with Dragon Age Origins on the centre then I would consider PoE to be on the centre-right (~75%). That might seem good to you but to me it's somewhat of a betrayal to the promise they made to the kickstarter backers. I'm not one of them though so I don't have reason to complain.




    The Carrying Capacity system from D&D. The system used by PoE is simpler (and therefore less believable), I don't like simplicity in RPGs.

  10. Isn't PoE supposed to be a successor to the old IE games and funded by people who liked those games? Because the more I learn about PoE, the less it seems to be like the old IE games.


    The more believable and deep the game is, the more immersed I'll become while playing it. So ideally it shouldn't be possible to carry anything which the character can't reasonably carry himself, to combat this you could have a horse/mule/wagon to carry the items.

    Of course I'm aware that this isn't appealing to everyone so a compromise should be made, and the system used in the old IE games was that great compromise.

    The system that seems to be used in PoE is not believable so I very much dislike it.


    I will totally miss some of the most traditional and iconic spells that a mage can have :(


    Thats great. **** traditions, Obsidian with innovation up in this mother****er.



    Why Chanters and Druids but not Wizards?


    Because Obsidian decided so. Their rationale behind this decision was that "we think its good".


    Do you disagree or what were you saying again?


    Thing is, if you disagree, at least have the guts to say it out loud.




    Innovation is only good if it's an improvement over tradition, this however doesn't seem to be the case.




    That's a foolish rationale that I thought was beyond the talented developers at OE.


    I disagree. Wizards (and perhaps the other classes as well?) seem to be simplistic and limited, more akin to a common mmorpg rather than the old IE games.


    "Guts"? Yes, I'm sure posting my opinion on an internet forum requires a great deal of courage indeed.


    FWIW, I was able to make a pretty satisfactory necromancer using the Chanter class during the play week.  There's no derth of summoning magic in the game, but as others have pointed out, it's been moved around a bit.


    If my assumptions are correct you probably did it so as to make each class unique. I can't hide my disappointment though, D&D was one of the main reasons I enjoyed the old IE games so much due to its complexity and playing as a wizard was incredibly satisfying. I can't see that complexity in PoE's class system though, like I said previously it's more akin to a common mmorpg than the old IE games. Regardless, I haven't played the game yet so I'll just leave it at that.

    I just hope you have a proper in-game explanation for it in the lore, a RPG is more than just gameplay mechanics, world and lore consistency is equally, if not more, important.

  12. More than having "interesting" companions, I'm more curious if I'll actually like any of them. I'm very picky. However Planescape: Torment had the most interesting characters in any RPG I've played so far regardless of whether I liked them or not, they were very unique.


    To give you some perpective, I liked:


    - Planescape Torment: Fall-from-grace.

    - Baldur's Gate series: Viconia and Edwin.

    - K.O.T.O.R 2: Kreia and Visas.

    - Neverwinter Nights 2: Safiya and One-of-Many.

    - Dragon Age Origins: Morrigan.



    Characters that are unique is what interests me. Having a demon, or a dragon, or a necromancer bent on world domination as a companion is interesting but another human fighter or an elf wizard is plain boring. Someone that is mysterious and makes you wonder "why" or "who" is also interesting.

  13. I've only romanced two (or three) fictitional characters in my whole gaming life: Viconia Deviir from Baldur's Gate II and Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins (along with Fall-from-grace from Planescape: Torment if you can even consider that a romance). And personally I do consider, without a doubt, that it contributed more to making my role-playing experience more memorable.


    However there are more important aspects in a role-playing game other than such a minor mechanic like romance. Although enjoyable, the lack of it won't take away from the game in the slightest, besides I doubt I'll find characters I like enough to romance any time soon (if not never) such as the ones I mentioned.

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  14. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Essential_Phantom


    This game has a different conception of magic than D&D, by the way.



    That is more akin to D&D's Project Image illusion spell.


    I don't think they have any other summons in their arsenal, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. Chanters and to a lesser extent Druids have a lot of summoning spells.


    That makes no sense. Why Chanters and Druids but not Wizards? I hope being a Wzard in PoE is more than just hurling fireballs and casting buffs and defuffs. That's too simplistic.

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