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About jzimmy

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I know you guys are working on a RPG set to come out late this year. Why don't you guys just confirm that its Kotor 3 and build up some hype for what should be a great game?
  2. i want a hot character
  3. who do u think is the best character in kotor II?
  4. The KOTOR II patch is out now, is anyone still complaining?
  5. visas marr?? you cant see her eyes nor put the dancers outrfit on her
  6. dont try to diss me
  7. No they want to voice a complaint about the new patch thats coming out
  8. what does this have to do with the topic you have won the random award wow thats the worst comeback ever
  9. no im not dissing everyone whos had a problem with the game, im just sick of their complaining and asking them to stop
  10. then get a better computer
  11. thats their problem
  12. they probably just have a sucky computer they shoulda gotten the xbox version
  13. Will everybody just stop whining about this patch? I've seen many many posts that are complaining about when the patch will be released. I'm sick of all you complainers. To all the whiners out there, suck it up and play the game. Who cares if their are a few problems with the game? Be happy at least that Obsidian is working on it and that they made the game in the first place.
  14. Will everybody just stop whining about this patch? I've seen many many posts that are complaining about when the patch will be released. I'm sick of all you complainers. To all the whiners out there, suck it up and play the game. Who cares if their are a few problems with the game? Be happy at least that Obsidian is working on it and that they made the game in the first place.
  15. maybe you just have a very bad computer that loads very slow?
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