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NWN2 News May 2, 2007

Will Project X be a good game?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Project X be a good game?

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    • Maybe but I am unsure
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Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update


Well, it's that time of week again, where I need to dig into the production list and scour the community for those things that may interest you.


Mod-Making Contest Complete

Monday was the last day for submissions to the mod-making contest. The theme for this contest was Grimm's Fairy Tales. We have quite a few submissions and, after playing a couple mods yesterday, I think the competition is going to be pretty fierce. The exteriors I have seen so far are nicely done and the storylines have been pretty fun. You can check all the mods for yourself here, on Neverwinter Vault. We will be playing through the modules this month and, hopefully, should be able to announce a winner at the beginning of June.


Granny Gets Her Wings

So, the Granny beta is moving along swimmingly - or should I say soaringly? We had a little breakthrough this week, but I think it would be best if you read the words of one of the beta testers, when he was motivated to experiment a bit, yourself:


...his impression was that the Granny exporter would essentially take any animation you have set up in Max and turn it into something the game can use. I was rather dubious of this, as it sounded frankly too good to be true. My past experience has been chiefly with NWN1, wherein the game would ONLY accept linear tweening. Essentially, this meant that the figures would move robotically from pose to pose. If you wanted any sense of momentum, you had to more or less manually set keyframes to imply momentum.

So he experimented a bit with placing some soaring birds in a module. The result was actually quite good. So much so, in fact, that it led the beta tester to say this:

...it looks like this Granny exporter is a very powerful tool. I wish NWN1 had had this sort of capability, back when I had more time to experiment around. The community should be able to do some really cool stuff with this thing.

Oh.. you probably want to see the result too. Here you go. By the way, we hope to release the Granny tools with the 1.06 Final Version patch.



Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover

Your Vault tidbit for today is this little Book UI change. This UI mod, created by clubok, changes the UI to look like a book when you read one. Pretty cool, if you ask me.


Sneak Peek at 1.06

The patch is currently in QA and we hope to have it out for beta testing pretty soon. So far, things are looking good, so hopefully we can get a beta out next week. Here's just a quick peek at what we have in there. Of course, this is not everything.


-New texture for cliff faces


-Five levels of Undo in the Toolset

-The Flatten Tool has been made a little more flexible

-Key commands have been added for the brushes in the toolset


New Scripts functions:






-SetTrapActive() was fixed to work on Doors and Placeables as well as Triggers.



-Export Characters (single and all)


That's about it for today's update. As you would guess, things are pretty busy here so see you all next week.


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we hope to have it out for beta testing pretty SOON

You forgot:



Ooooow nice ! Keep up the good job and the good news ! :thumbsup:

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