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I guess most people have realised this but you can talk to npc's and move their line of sight this way, safely away from your rogue....


Besides this you wont get caught before the red circle is completly full - so you can stay out of someones attention circle, then distract him with another party member and then just move in where you want to steal and grab stuff before your circle is entirely red.


You don't need a high stealth level - if have basically robbed every store blind in the main city with a stealth lvl 1 guy - you can steal some really high end and REALLY expensive gear this way (the most expensive armor ive found for example)...


I am not sure if this could be considered exploity?! but the way it works i assume it is intended to be used/applied this way....

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totally an exploit... this will get patched at some point for sure. That said you can just as easily cheese this with the spark cracker things anyway. I do feel a bit dirty every time I steal the undergarments from every npc in sight, but... ya know, pirate's gotta eat...


It's really useful whenever you have to 'pay' an npc either for a quest or a dialog option. There are certain encounters where you have to pay 3-5k gold that you can just steal right back off them once the conversation closes using this method.

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