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 Is there a way to change Eye Color on a specific face? Specifically on the Male Meadow Folk, I saw some websites post screen shots of their character customizations and It looked like they used meadow folk Face 1, but it had brown eyes instead of blue eyes. Is there a way to change this? Because the face options I see are "Have Blue Eyes and good features", "Look like your face was recently mistaken for a pinata with brown eyes", "Look like your face was recently mistaken for a pinata with blue eyes". I know it was roughly the same in PoE1, but the higher resolution models make it really noticeable in PoE2.




That's funny to me, because it's the opposite on the female meadow folk models. It's either, "have brown eyes and look pretty" or "have blue eyes and a face that went through a thresher." I wish you could choose eye color.

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