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GPU caused lappy to shutdown



Worth noting - not a bug...


I've got a fairly decent lappy - a 3 year old Dell with 16Gb, 1Tb SSD (upgrade), i7 Quad and a Nvidia 845M CPU in Win 10


I started beta and the GPU usage APPEARS to have been shutting my lappy down after about 5 mins on the bridge


On the bridge I suspect we've got a lot of physics, particles and some (2.5 / 3D) mapping going on


The important thing is no notice that the beta wasn't the issue - it did POE1 without any issues


The solution was to buy some of that air in a can stuff and give the lappy a good blast with it to remove all the junk inside the thing. I had some air in a can to side, thankfully as this has happened to my before so I knew the possible solution


It'll be worth noting this in some FAQ somewhere as it applies to desktops as well


1) Buy can of air

2) Turn off PC - Squirt it at anything you can (GPU in desktop, any air-holes in lappy)

3) Leave well alone for 15 (tends to freeze bits if you get decent air)


Just had beta running for 45 on bridge with perfect visuals in 1920x1080

OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 

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