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PS4 Wildstrike Talent



Hey everyone,


So on the PS4 version of the game the Wildstrike talents don't seem to apply for the Druid animal form damage.

I have tried a character with the talent and one with the Wildstrike belt found in Defiance Bay and only the extra damage from the belt applies.

I also noticed that only the belt shows up as an active effect in animal form and none of the Wildstrike talents by themselves do.

Has anyone else noticed this issue?

4 answers to this question

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I’m fairly certain the wild strike talents apply, I’ve seen my numbers go up since taking them.


The Wildstrike Belt however is a different story. The damage boost (which is confusingly called Wildstrike Burn but isn’t the talent) is essentially a buff that is cast when you shift hence why you can see it. It works like this because when you shift equipment bonuses aren’t considered.

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Thanks for replying

So, I've play tested my Druid with each of the Wildstrike talents against multiple enemy types and the only damage to show up in the combat screen was piercing.

No lightning, burn, corrosive, or cold damage was added. If I understand the talents as they are presented, shouldn't I see the piercing + an additional damage type? Like we would with an enchanted weapon?

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Can you see the full breakdown of how the damage is calculated by hovering over the damage in the combat log?


I’m on PS4 so can only see numbers.

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I'm also playing on PS4 and can't hover over the damage in the text box. I only see piercing damage from the werewolf melee attacks. It doesn't break down any additional damage types. That is what leads me to believe it isn't adding them.

I do not see a significant spike above the base melee damage with the talents either.

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