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after running the 3.07 Deadfire Update, I have encountered an already known save game error: when I try to save the game, no save game is created (or not recognized). So when I try to load, the latest save game cannot be found. In the game, the usual entry in the game log that pops up after clicking "save game" does not appear.


Please note that I have already tried the following known methods for this problem:

- using all the methods described in the pinned post for troubleshooting https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86079-workarounds-and-troubleshooting-4-19-16/

- verifying game cache via steam (repairing was not needed...)

- running the game as administrator

- checking properties and access, but all important folders got enough permission rights

- re-install the game

- switching off malware software


The error also has appeared right after a Windows 10 update, don't know whether this is important.


I have attached an output log.


I would be very thankful for any advice! I have two playthroughs that are close to completion that I would like to import to Deadfire!






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