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Crashing during story book cutscene.



Hi guys I've been crashing in the prologue when it goes to that story book cutscene with finding the water skin. I'm not sure what is causing it but here is the error log.






Unity Player [version: Unity 4.7.0f1_9c73fd3cda99]
PillarsOfEternity.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module PillarsOfEternity.exe at 0023:00a05c2f.
Error occurred at 2016-10-29_224416.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity.exe, run by Jhere.
71% memory in use.
0 MB physical memory [2301 MB free].
0 MB paging file [2226 MB free].
0 MB user address space [44 MB free].
Write to location 00000008 caused an access violation.
EDI:    0x00000008  ESI: 0xf56b2e9c  EAX:   0x00000008
EBX:    0xf56b2f94  ECX: 0xf56b2e9c  EDX:   0xffffffff
EIP:    0x00a05c2f  EBP: 0x0093ea8c  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00010202  ESP: 0x0093ea8c  SegSs: 0x0000002b
Bytes at CS:EIP:
89 10 8b 49 04 89 48 04 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc 
0x0093ea8c: 0093eab8 00b7bc0b 00000008 f56b2e9c ..............k.
0x0093ea9c: 00000000 0093eb38 00400000 0093ea9c ....8.....@.....
0x0093eaac: 0093ff68 0125c4a0 ffffffff 0093eadc h.....%.........
0x0093eabc: 00a07d26 f56b2e9c f56b2f94 00000008 &}....k../k.....
0x0093eacc: 00080000 0093eb38 04720dd8 00080000 ....8.....r.....
0x0093eadc: 0093eb04 00a0838c 00080000 00080000 ................
0x0093eaec: 04720dd8 0093eb38 00000000 f58e941c ..r.8...........
0x0093eafc: 01430de0 00000000 0093eb1c 00a089ef ..C.............
0x0093eb0c: 04720dd8 00080000 0003dd94 04720dd8 ..r...........r.
0x0093eb1c: 0093eb6c 00a094f9 04720dd8 00080000 l.........r.....
0x0093eb2c: 00000000 04720dd8 000343bc 00000048 ......r..C..H...
0x0093eb3c: 00000000 00030101 fffffffe 00000000 ................
0x0093eb4c: ffffffff 00000000 f56b2e94 00000020 ..........k. ...
0x0093eb5c: 00000000 00000006 00000010 01431500 ..............C.
0x0093eb6c: 0093eb98 00a0988e 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0093eb7c: f58e941c 00a75d53 f58e941c 00a0be7e ....S]......~...
0x0093eb8c: 04720d3c 000343bc f58e941c 0093ebb4 <.r..C..........
0x0093eb9c: 00a09b29 f58e941c 0523a7e8 00000000 ).........#.....
0x0093ebac: 52957864 04723530 0093ecdc 00bd8628 dx.R05r.....(...
0x0093ebbc: 00000001 000343bc 00000028 00000000 .....C..(.......
0x0093ebcc: 000343bc 0523a7e8 04722464 0eeff4c0 .C....#.d$r.....
0x0093ebdc: 00000000 0093ebf8 00bd1854 0093ebf0 ........T.......
0x0093ebec: f57dea8c 00000001 00021869 0093ec14 ..}.....i.......
0x0093ebfc: 00bd1e7d 00000001 00000000 0093ec4c }...........L...
0x0093ec0c: f57deb28 00bcc0a5 20ff3484 f57dea8c (.}......4. ..}.
0x0093ec1c: 0093ed2c 0093ec4c 0093ec44 00a0b10a ,...L...D.......
0x0093ec2c: 0093ec3c 0093ec4c f57dea8c 0523b310 <...L.....}...#.
0x0093ec3c: 20ff3484 0523b314 0093ec5c 00bcd4b7 .4. ..#.\.......
0x0093ec4c: 0093ec58 05167884 0093ed2c 047224e0 X....x..,....$r.
0x0093ec5c: 04722464 000343bc 00012daf 20ff3440 d$r..C...-..@4. 
0x0093ec6c: 52b1a570 00bd8931 000343ae 0523a7e8 p..R1....C....#.
0x0093ec7c: 04722464 00bd1854 0093ec8c f56d6274 d$r.T.......tbm.
0x0093ec8c: 00000001 0001ff26 0093ecb0 00bd1e7d ....&.......}...
0x0093ec9c: 00000001 00000000 0093ece8 f56d6310 .............cm.
0x0093ecac: 00000008 f58e5aa0 000343a2 047224e0 .....Z...C...$r.
0x0093ecbc: 04722464 05e44ea4 0093ecf4 00bf1af7 d$r..N..........
0x0093eccc: 04c50d48 047224e0 04c50d00 0523a7e8 H....$r.......#.
0x0093ecdc: 0093ed24 00bd3e80 0000b604 000343bc $....>.......C..
0x0093ecec: 00000000 00000001 0093ed14 0093ed18 ................
0x0093ecfc: 0093ed20 0523a7e8 0093ed68 00000001  .....#.h.......
0x0093ed0c: 00000001 0000b604 0093ed24 00afdc09 ........$.......
0x0093ed1c: 047224e0 00000000 0093ed30 00a0561d .$r.....0....V..
0x0093ed2c: 000343bc 0093ed5c 00a0bd04 000343bc .C..\........C..
0x0093ed3c: f57dea8c 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 ..}...r.(00.(00.
0x0093ed4c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 000343bc ..r.(00.(00..C..
0x0093ed5c: 0093ed6c 00a0d67c f57dea8c 000343bc l...|.....}..C..
0x0093ed6c: 0093ed80 00b34490 00000001 04722464 .....D......d$r.
0x0093ed7c: 000343ae 0093ed8c 00bcaf61 00000001 .C......a.......
0x0093ed8c: 0093edcc 00bd3eb2 f57dea8c 00000000 .....>....}.....
0x0093ed9c: 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 000343ae .............C..
0x0093edac: f57f629c f57f62a0 00000001 00021eab .b...b..........
0x0093edbc: 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 f57dea8c .........$r...}.
0x0093edcc: 0093edd8 00a0561d 000343ae 0093ee0c .....V...C......
0x0093eddc: 00b332e6 000343ae 0523a7e8 f56d6274 .2...C....#.tbm.
0x0093edec: 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 ......r.(00.(00.
0x0093edfc: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 000343ae ..r.(00.(00..C..
0x0093ee0c: 0093ee1c 00b34497 04722464 000343a2 .....D..d$r..C..
0x0093ee1c: 0093ee28 00bcaf61 00000001 0093ee68 (...a.......h...
0x0093ee2c: 00bd3eb2 f56d6274 00000000 00000001 .>..tbm.........
0x0093ee3c: 00afdc00 00000000 000343a2 f56dd538 .........C..8.m.
0x0093ee4c: f56dd544 00000001 00021869 00000000 D.m.....i.......
0x0093ee5c: 00afdc00 047224e0 f56d6274 0093ee74 .....$r.tbm.t...
0x0093ee6c: 00a0561d 000343a2 0093eea8 00b332e6 .V...C.......2..
0x0093ee7c: 000343a2 0523a7e8 f580c0dc 00000001 .C....#.........
0x0093ee8c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 ..r.(00.(00...r.
0x0093ee9c: fe303028 fe303028 000343a2 0093eeb8 (00.(00..C......
0x0093eeac: 00b34497 04722464 0003439a 0093eec4 .D..d$r..C......
0x0093eebc: 00bcaf61 00000001 0093ef04 00bd3eb2 a............>..
0x0093eecc: f580c0dc 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 ................
0x0093eedc: 00000000 0003439a f585c5e0 f585c5e4 .....C..........
0x0093eeec: 00000001 0001ff26 00000000 00afdc00 ....&...........
0x0093eefc: 047224e0 f580c0dc 0093ef10 00a0561d .$r..........V..
0x0093ef0c: 0003439a 0093ef44 00b332e6 0003439a .C..D....2...C..
0x0093ef1c: 0523a7e8 f5738988 00000001 04720dd8 ..#...s.......r.
0x0093ef2c: fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 (00.(00...r.(00.
0x0093ef3c: fe303028 0003439a 0093ef54 00b34497 (00..C..T....D..
0x0093ef4c: 04722464 00034394 0093ef60 00bcaf61 d$r..C..`...a...
0x0093ef5c: 00000001 0093efa0 00bd3eb2 f5738988 .........>....s.
0x0093ef6c: 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 ................
0x0093ef7c: 00034394 f5688a14 f5688a18 00000001 .C....h...h.....
0x0093ef8c: 0001f27a 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 z............$r.
0x0093ef9c: f5738988 0093efac 00a0561d 00034394 ..s......V...C..
0x0093efac: 0093efe0 00b332e6 00034394 0523a7e8 .....2...C....#.
0x0093efbc: f573dc28 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 (.s.......r.(00.
0x0093efcc: fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 (00...r.(00.(00.
0x0093efdc: 00034394 0093eff0 00b34497 04722464 .C.......D..d$r.
0x0093efec: 00034388 0093effc 00bcaf61 00000001 .C......a.......
0x0093effc: 0093f03c 00bd3eb2 f573dc28 00000000 <....>..(.s.....
0x0093f00c: 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 00034388 .............C..
0x0093f01c: f57da2ac f57da2b0 00000001 0001e5d0 ..}...}.........
0x0093f02c: 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 f573dc28 .........$r.(.s.
0x0093f03c: 0093f048 00a0561d 00034388 0093f07c H....V...C..|...
0x0093f04c: 00b332e6 00034388 0523a7e8 f58fbd04 .2...C....#.....
0x0093f05c: 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 ......r.(00.(00.
0x0093f06c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 00034388 ..r.(00.(00..C..
0x0093f07c: 0093f08c 00b34497 04722464 0003437e .....D..d$r.~C..
0x0093f08c: 0093f098 00bcaf61 00000001 0093f0d8 ....a...........
0x0093f09c: 00bd3eb2 f58fbd04 00000000 00000001 .>..............
0x0093f0ac: 00afdc00 00000000 0003437e f590093c ........~C..<...
0x0093f0bc: f5900948 00000001 000241cc 00000000 H........A......
0x0093f0cc: 00afdc00 047224e0 f58fbd04 0093f0e4 .....$r.........
0x0093f0dc: 00a0561d 0003437e 0093f118 00b332e6 .V..~C.......2..
0x0093f0ec: 0003437e 0523a7e8 f57b8c40 00000001 ~C....#.@.{.....
0x0093f0fc: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 ..r.(00.(00...r.
0x0093f10c: fe303028 fe303028 0003437e 0093f128 (00.(00.~C..(...
0x0093f11c: 00b34497 04722464 00034378 0093f134 .D..d$r.xC..4...
0x0093f12c: 00bcaf61 00000001 0093f174 00bd3eb2 a.......t....>..
0x0093f13c: f57b8c40 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 @.{.............
0x0093f14c: 00000000 00034378 f57ffae4 f57ffae8 ....xC..........
0x0093f15c: 00000001 0002eb10 00000000 00afdc00 ................
0x0093f16c: 047224e0 f57b8c40 0093f180 00a0561d .$r.@.{......V..
0x0093f17c: 00034378 0093f1b4 00b332e6 00034378 xC.......2..xC..
0x0093f18c: 0523a7e8 f57e35fc 00000001 04720dd8 ..#..5~.......r.
0x0093f19c: fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 (00.(00...r.(00.
0x0093f1ac: fe303028 00034378 0093f1c4 00b34497 (00.xC.......D..
0x0093f1bc: 04722464 00034360 0093f1d0 00bcaf61 d$r.`C......a...
0x0093f1cc: 00000001 0093f210 00bd3eb2 f57e35fc .........>...5~.
0x0093f1dc: 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 ................
0x0093f1ec: 00034360 f568efc4 f568efc8 00000001 `C....h...h.....
0x0093f1fc: 0002e6ec 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 .............$r.
0x0093f20c: f57e35fc 0093f21c 00a0561d 00034360 .5~......V..`C..
0x0093f21c: 0093f250 00b332e6 00034360 0523a7e8 P....2..`C....#.
0x0093f22c: f57e36c0 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 .6~.......r.(00.
0x0093f23c: fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 (00...r.(00.(00.
0x0093f24c: 00034360 0093f260 00b34497 04722464 `C..`....D..d$r.
0x0093f25c: 00034350 0093f26c 00bcaf61 00000001 PC..l...a.......
0x0093f26c: 0093f2ac 00bd3eb2 f57e36c0 00000000 .....>...6~.....
0x0093f27c: 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 00034350 ............PC..
0x0093f28c: f5912124 f5912128 00000001 0002e1ef $!..(!..........
0x0093f29c: 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 f57e36c0 .........$r..6~.
0x0093f2ac: 0093f2b8 00a0561d 00034350 0093f2ec .....V..PC......
0x0093f2bc: 00b332e6 00034350 0523a7e8 f57b01d4 .2..PC....#...{.
0x0093f2cc: 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 ......r.(00.(00.
0x0093f2dc: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 00034350 ..r.(00.(00.PC..
0x0093f2ec: 0093f2fc 00b34497 04722464 00034344 .....D..d$r.DC..
0x0093f2fc: 0093f308 00bcaf61 00000001 0093f348 ....a.......H...
0x0093f30c: 00bd3eb2 f57b01d4 00000000 00000001 .>....{.........
0x0093f31c: 00afdc00 00000000 00034344 f57cd324 ........DC..$.|.
0x0093f32c: f57cd328 00000001 0001df78 00000000 (.|.....x.......
0x0093f33c: 00afdc00 047224e0 f57b01d4 0093f354 .....$r...{.T...
0x0093f34c: 00a0561d 00034344 0093f388 00b332e6 .V..DC.......2..
0x0093f35c: 00034344 0523a7e8 f5730bf0 00000001 DC....#...s.....
0x0093f36c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 ..r.(00.(00...r.
0x0093f37c: fe303028 fe303028 00034344 0093f398 (00.(00.DC......
0x0093f38c: 00b34497 04722464 00034336 0093f3a4 .D..d$r.6C......
0x0093f39c: 00bcaf61 00000001 0093f3e4 00bd3eb2 a............>..
0x0093f3ac: f5730bf0 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 ..s.............
0x0093f3bc: 00000000 00034336 f57a7b74 f57a7b78 ....6C..t{z.x{z.
0x0093f3cc: 00000001 000266d2 00000000 00afdc00 .....f..........
0x0093f3dc: 047224e0 f5730bf0 0093f3f0 00a0561d .$r...s......V..
0x0093f3ec: 00034336 0093f424 00b332e6 00034336 6C..$....2..6C..
0x0093f3fc: 0523a7e8 f583cb84 00000001 04720dd8 ..#...........r.
0x0093f40c: fe303028 fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 (00.(00...r.(00.
0x0093f41c: fe303028 00034336 0093f434 00b34497 (00.6C..4....D..
0x0093f42c: 04722464 00011a88 0093f440 00bcaf61 d$r.....@...a...
0x0093f43c: 00000001 0093f480 00bd3eb2 f583cb84 .........>......
0x0093f44c: 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 ................
0x0093f45c: 00011a88 f58236fc f5823704 00000001 .....6...7......
0x0093f46c: 0001a706 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 .............$r.
0x0093f47c: f583cb84 0093f48c 00a0561d 00011a88 .........V......
0x0093f48c: 0093f4c0 00b332e6 00011a88 0523a7e8 .....2........#.
0x0093f49c: f58e3058 00000001 04720dd8 fe303028 X0........r.(00.
0x0093f4ac: fe303028 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 (00...r.(00.(00.
0x0093f4bc: 00011a88 0093f4d0 00b34497 04722464 .........D..d$r.
0x0093f4cc: 00011a82 0093f4dc 00bcaf61 00000001 ........a.......
0x0093f4dc: 0093f51c 00bd3eb2 f58e3058 00000000 .....>..X0......
0x0093f4ec: 00000001 00afdc00 00000000 00011a82 ................
0x0093f4fc: f56d2f90 f5858d74 00000001 0001b3cb ./m.t...........
0x0093f50c: 00000000 00afdc00 047224e0 f58e3058 .........$r.X0..
0x0093f51c: 0093f528 00a0561d 00011a82 0093f55c (....V......\...
0x0093f52c: 00a0ceb0 00011a82 f5858d74 00000000 ........t.......
0x0093f53c: 00002324 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 $#....r.(00.(00.
0x0093f54c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 00011a82 ..r.(00.(00.....
0x0093f55c: 0093f570 00a0db2d 0523a7e8 f5858d74 p...-.....#.t...
0x0093f56c: f5858d74 0093f584 00a0f0b8 04722464 t...........d$r.
0x0093f57c: 00bcaf61 00000001 0093f5c4 00bd3eb2 a............>..
0x0093f58c: f5858d74 00000000 00000001 00afdc00 t...............
0x0093f59c: 00000000 047cdc3c 0568a4b0 00000000 ....<.|...h.....
0x0093f5ac: 00000001 00004513 00000000 00afdc00 .....E..........
0x0093f5bc: 047224e0 f5858d74 0093f5d0 00a0561d .$r.t........V..
0x0093f5cc: 00002324 0093f648 00c4789c 00002324 $#..H....x..$#..
0x0093f5dc: 1f257640 dfef4f00 dfefeae0 f5729e40 @v%..O......@.r.
0x0093f5ec: c042cec0 00000000 00000001 0000002b ..B.........+...
0x0093f5fc: 0000002f c0225730 f583a9ac 00000000 /...0W".........
0x0093f60c: c0225730 00000000 0000002b 0000002f 0W".....+.../...
0x0093f61c: dfefeaf0 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 ......r.(00.(00.
0x0093f62c: 04720dd8 fe303028 fe303028 047cdc3c ..r.(00.(00.<.|.
0x0093f63c: 047cdf84 0dfcb820 00002324 0093f688 ..|. ...$#......
0x0093f64c: 05c663ab dfef4f00 0568a4b0 04bd0040 .c...O....h.@...
0x0093f65c: c042cec0 0093f688 05620500 056204a8 ..B.......b...b.
0x0093f66c: dfef4f00 05c66391 dfefeae0 1f257640 .O...c......@v%.
0x0093f67c: dfef4f00 0093f688 05c66384 0093f6a8 .O.......c......
0x0093f68c: 1fad54e0 dfef4f00 0568a4b0 c0225730 .T...O....h.0W".
0x0093f69c: 00000000 16a7aad8 dfefeaf0 0093f8b8 ................
0x0093f6ac: 1fad3158 16df3270 dfef4f00 00000000 X1..p2...O......
0x0093f6bc: 1fad2ee2 0e039f60 00000000 53cda820 ....`....... ..S
0x0093f6cc: 53cda820 dfefeb00 dfefe6a0 00000000  ..S............
0x0093f6dc: 00000000 1f379d80 551992e0 1f334bb8 ......7....U.K3.
0x0093f6ec: 557dfe50 dfefef50 00000018 1005eff7 P.}UP...........
0x0093f6fc: 55199b20 540f33e8 55199aa0 00000002  ..U.3.T...U....
0x0093f70c: 5597abe0 0093f740 55222a78 55199e30 ...U@...x*"U0..U
0x0093f71c: 540f3578 55199db0 00000002 54413000 x5.T...U.....0AT
0x0093f72c: 05ca44fd 55222aa0 551991e0 00000001 .D...*"U...U....
0x0093f73c: 05ca468a 6471690c 41494c3f f1e7258c .F...iqd?LIA.%..
0x0093f74c: d37346b5 6471690c 41494c3f 0000258c .Fs..iqd?LIA.%..
0x0093f75c: 0569efc0 551992e0 dfef4f00 c05751e0 ..i....U.O...QW.
0x0093f76c: 1f6e3ca8 00494c3f 00000000 00000000 .<n.?LI.........
0x0093f77c: c0454f78 dfefe680 dfefe6a0 dfefe9c0 xOE.............
0x0093f78c: dfefe9a0 50e5f270 dfefeac0 c0454f78 ....p..P....xOE.
0x0093f79c: ffffffff 00000003 1f6e3ca8 c0454f78 .........<n.xOE.
0x0093f7ac: 00000001 00000003 c05751e0 00000000 .........QW.....
0x0093f7bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c1cf9a40 ............@...
0x0093f7cc: 3cd39000 bf39a180 00000000 3f7cdc9d ...<..9.......|?
0x0093f7dc: 00000000 3e1fd8ab c0454f78 ffffffff .......>xOE.....
0x0093f7ec: 00000003 1f6e3ca8 552f5fc0 ffffffff .....<n.._/U....
0x0093f7fc: 00000004 1f6e3a28 1f49c6a8 ffffffff ....(:n...I.....
0x0093f80c: 00000989 551992e0 00000000 00000000 .......U........
0x0093f81c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093f82c: 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 ...?...?...?...?
0x0093f83c: 05c54d3b 00000000 00000000 0093f888 ;M..............
0x0093f84c: 05c4f5cb 0093f878 05620500 056204a8 ....x.....b...b.
0x0093f85c: 00000000 05c54d21 05c4f500 1f3a2050 ....!M......P :.
0x0093f86c: 00000000 0093f878 05c54d14 0093f898 ....x....M......
0x0093f87c: 05c54cfc 00000000 00000000 0093f8b8 .L..............
0x0093f88c: 05c5ba74 00000000 0dfdaf60 0093f6b0 t.......`.......
0x0093f89c: 05c5c103 0093f6b0 00000000 0093f6b0 ................
0x0093f8ac: 1dc90df0 1f257640 05c4f500 0093f8d8 ....@v%.........
0x0093f8bc: 1fad2aad 1f257640 44870000 00000000 .*..@v%....D....
0x0093f8cc: 00000000 110bfed8 0093fbfc 0093f920 ............ ...
0x0093f8dc: 05c4f541 1f257640 00000000 00000000 A...@v%.........
0x0093f8ec: 00000000 0093f908 10001e3d 10f3e1a8 ........=.......
0x0093f8fc: 10f3e1a8 10f3e1a8 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093f90c: 10001de5 05622f78 10f3e1a8 0093f920 ....x/b..... ...
0x0093f91c: 0093f924 0093f950 100f06da 1f257640 $...P.......@v%.
0x0093f92c: 0093fb28 0093fbfc 1fad2a68 00010000 (.......h*......
0x0093f93c: 2cde6954 10f3e1a8 00000000 05684e70 Ti.,........pNh.
0x0093f94c: 00000000 0093f974 1005d89e 10f3e1a8 ....t...........
0x0093f95c: 1f257640 0093fb28 0093fbfc 0093fbfc @v%.(...........
0x0093f96c: 0093fab8 2cde6954 0093f98c 00b1488e ....Ti.,.....H..
0x0093f97c: 10f3e1a8 1f257640 0093fb28 0093fbfc ....@v%.(.......
0x0093f98c: 0093f9cc 00bb4df9 10f3e1a8 0e1dfa01 .....M..........
0x0093f99c: 1f257640 0093fad8 0093fbfc 00000000 @v%.............
0x0093f9ac: 2cde6954 0008c12a 00800000 00000000 Ti.,*...........
0x0093f9bc: 00bb4996 0093fad8 00000000 00000050 .I..........P...
0x0093f9cc: 0093f9dc 00bb4f9e 0093fbfc 00000000 .....O..........
0x0093f9dc: 0093fbc0 00b06268 0093fbfc 1f257640 ....hb......@v%.
0x0093f9ec: 00000000 05c54d21 05c4f500 1f69ae00 ....!M........i.
0x0093f9fc: 167863e0 0093fa08 05c54d14 0093fa28 .cx......M..(...
0x0093fa0c: 05c54cfc 1f69ae00 1f69ae00 3f000000 .L....i...i....?
0x0093fa1c: 00000000 3f800000 42ae0000 0093fa48 .......?...BH...
0x0093fa2c: 05c5c124 1f69ae00 1f69ae00 00000000 $.....i...i.....
0x0093fa3c: 00000000 00000000 405a4000 0093fa78 .........@Z@x...
0x0093fa4c: 1fb46b08 1f69ae00 1f69ae00 44088000 .k....i...i....D
0x0093fa5c: 42bc0000 3f000000 00000000 3f800000 ...B...?.......?
0x0093fa6c: 110c48d8 0093fc20 05c4f500 0093fac0 .H.. ...........
0x0093fa7c: 05c4f541 1f69ae00 00000000 00000000 A.....i.........
0x0093fa8c: 00000000 0093faa8 10001e3d 10f2e8b0 ........=.......
0x0093fa9c: 10f2e8b0 10f2e8b0 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093faac: 10001de5 05622f78 10f2e8b0 0128964c ....x/b.....L.(.
0x0093fabc: 10f3e1a8 0e1dfa01 1f257640 00000000 ........@v%.....
0x0093facc: 00000000 00930001 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fadc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093faec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fafc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fb9c: 00000000 2cde6954 00000000 00000000 ....Ti.,........
0x0093fbac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fbbc: 00000000 0093fc00 00b065db 10f3e1a8 .........e......
0x0093fbcc: 0e1dfa01 00000000 0093fbfc 047776b4 .............vw.
0x0093fbdc: 2cde6954 00000000 00000000 21d723ac Ti.,.........#.!
0x0093fbec: 047776b4 04720dd8 0008b628 22bf3d68 .vw...r.(...h=."
0x0093fbfc: 00000000 0093fc20 00b06980 10f3e1a8 .... ....i......
0x0093fc0c: 0e1dfa01 00000000 00000000 21d723ac .............#.!
0x0093fc1c: 0e1dfa01 0093fc8c 00aedb7e 2cde6954 ........~...Ti.,
0x0093fc2c: 00000000 630e40ba 00000024 00000001 .....@.c$.......
0x0093fc3c: 04720dd8 fe0d5648 fe303028 04720dd8 ..r.HV..(00...r.
0x0093fc4c: fe303028 fe303028 00000000 0093fc90 (00.(00.........
0x0093fc5c: 00b07164 77cc630c 00000024 630cfdfa dq...c.w$......c
0x0093fc6c: 00aec757 22bf3710 000263d8 43ac10c1 W....7.".c.....C
0x0093fc7c: 00b06930 2cde6954 00000000 0477768c 0i..Ti.,.....vw.
0x0093fc8c: 0093fd7c 00b7f5de 00000002 00000000 |...............
0x0093fc9c: 00000000 76586760 0128964c 0ddf8df0 ....`gXvL.(.....
0x0093fcac: 0ddf8d00 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fcbc: 3f800101 00000000 00000000 00000001 ...?............
0x0093fccc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fcdc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fcec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fcfc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fd0c: 00000000 00000000 0093fcc4 0093fcc8 ................
0x0093fd1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fd2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fd3c: 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fd4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093fd5c: 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000 ................
0x0093fd6c: 00000001 00000000 05ebd94c 0100fd88 ........L.......
0x0093fd7c: 0093fdb8 00bfbdeb 00000000 00000001 ................
0x0093fd8c: 00000000 00000010 00000001 000c0506 ................
0x0093fd9c: 00000200 00000000 02fd01b2 03846557 ............We..
0x0093fdac: 000001b2 000002fd 00000338 0093fed0 ........8.......
0x0093fdbc: 00bfd8d5 00ea5e23 00000000 006c0000 ....#^........l.
0x0093fdcc: 04721afc 04602490 0138f0b0 7fffffff ..r..$`...8.....
0x0093fddc: 00000041 0000004f 04602490 04722400 A...O....$`..$r.
0x0093fdec: 0000000f 0000000f 7fffffff 00000000 ................
0x0093fdfc: 0000000f 04601a00 6f6e6f00 6374652f ......`..ono/etc
0x0093fe0c: 0093fe00 00ebb199 00000000 0000000f ................
0x0093fe1c: 0000000f 04721df8 04721e30 04721e30 ......r.0.r.0.r.
0x0093fe2c: 0140d1d8 04721a90 046005a8 0093fe00 ..@...r...`.....
0x0093fe3c: 0093fe6c 00000058 0000005f 0138f0b0 l...X..._.....8.
0x0093fe4c: 0461a930 04721bd4 00000004 0093fd90 0.a...r.........
0x0093fe5c: 77cddea6 00000067 0000006f 49656e69 ...wg...o...ineI
0x0093fe6c: 04722400 00000000 77c98c59 01267ec4 .$r.....Y..w.~&.
0x0093fe7c: 00000000 0000000f 0093feb4 00000000 ................
0x0093fe8c: 616e614d 00646567 00ea929b 00000000 Managed.........
0x0093fe9c: 00000007 0000000f 00ea92a8 0461a930 ............0.a.
0x0093feac: 6f6e6f4d 6e6f6d2f 6c642e6f 0000006c Mono/mono.dll...
0x0093febc: 0000000d 0000000f 04601a00 00000000 ..........`.....
0x0093fecc: 00000000 0093fee8 00e70f98 00a00000 ................
0x0093fedc: 00000000 019942c2 0000000a 0093ff78 .....B......x...
0x0093feec: 00ea5dd0 00a00000 00000000 019942c2 .]...........B..
0x0093fefc: 0000000a 919917ef 00ea5e23 00ea5e23 ........#^..#^..
0x0093ff0c: 006c0000 00000044 0199248e 0199246e ..l.D....$..n$..
0x0093ff1c: 019923be 00000000 00000000 00000000 .#..............
0x0093ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0093ff3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0093ff74 ............t...
0x0093ff4c: 0093ff74 00eb7114 c0000005 00ea5e23 t....q......#^..
0x0093ff5c: 00000000 0093ff00 0093e43c 0093ffc4 ........<.......
0x0093ff6c: 00ea7bb0 9035768f 00000000 0093ff8c .{...v5.........
0x0093ff7c: 778262c4 006c0000 778262a0 ca342ec5 .b.w..l..b.w..4.
0x0093ff8c: 0093ffd4 77cd0719 006c0000 0b64f471 .......w..l.q.d.
0x0093ff9c: 00000000 00000000 006c0000 c0000005 ..........l.....
0x0093ffac: 00000000 0093e41c 761bd150 0b64f471 ........P..vq.d.
0x0093ffbc: 0093ff98 0093e41c 0093ffdc 77ce5ef0 .............^.w
0x0093ffcc: 7c217645 00000000 0093ffe4 77cd06e4 Ev!|...........w
0x0093ffdc: ffffffff 77cf2636 00000000 00000000 ....6&.w........
0x0093ffec: 00ea5e23 006c0000 00000000 00000000 #^....l.........
0x0093fffc: 00000000                            ....
Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x00016000
File Size:  81768       File Time:  2007-04-04_185342
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0
Module 2
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity.exe
Image Base: 0x00a00000  Image Size: 0x00bba000
File Size:  11638624    File Time:  2016-09-04_201612
   Company:    Obsidian Entertainment
   Product:    Pillars of Eternity
   FileDesc:   Pillars of Eternity
Module 3
Image Base: 0x06250000  Image Size: 0x00135000
File Size:  1263848     File Time:  2016-10-15_001124
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MSCTF Server DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 4
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Mono\mono.dll
Image Base: 0x10000000  Image Size: 0x00230000
File Size:  2109792     File Time:  2016-09-04_202616
Module 5
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\DbgHelp.dll
Image Base: 0x19e50000  Image Size: 0x00115000
File Size:  1039192     File Time:  2007-03-29_164410
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Debugging Tools for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Windows Image Helper
Module 6
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam2.dll
Image Base: 0x2f390000  Image Size: 0x002c1000
File Size:  2882984     File Time:  2014-02-13_220424
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam
   FileDesc:   Steam Client Engine
   FileVer:    2.0.2117.156
Module 7
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamclient.dll
Image Base: 0x38000000  Image Size: 0x009f1000
File Size:  10237728    File Time:  2016-10-12_215834
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam
   FileDesc:   Steamclient.dll
Module 8
Image Base: 0x521e0000  Image Size: 0x0003d000
File Size:  230912      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM)
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 9
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer.dll
Image Base: 0x52220000  Image Size: 0x00124000
File Size:  1090336     File Time:  2016-10-12_215828
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam Game Overlay Renderer
   FileDesc:   Steam Game Overlay Renderer
Module 10
Image Base: 0x58320000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  11776       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DCI Manager
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 11
Image Base: 0x58330000  Image Size: 0x000ed000
File Size:  547840      File Time:  2016-07-16_074306
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft DirectDraw
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 12
Image Base: 0x58420000  Image Size: 0x00025000
File Size:  141312      File Time:  2016-07-16_074306
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OpenGL Utility Library DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 13
Image Base: 0x58cd0000  Image Size: 0x000e0000
File Size:  786944      File Time:  2016-07-16_074306
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OpenGL Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 14
Image Base: 0x5a610000  Image Size: 0x00085000
File Size:  526336      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 15
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Plugins\ShroudUnityPlugin.dll
Image Base: 0x5b0c0000  Image Size: 0x000a4000
File Size:  616800      File Time:  2016-09-04_202604
Module 16
Image Base: 0x5b630000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  25600       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Hid User Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 17
Image Base: 0x5e000000  Image Size: 0x00069000
File Size:  421200      File Time:  2011-06-11_055852
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.40219.325
   ProdVer:    10.0.40219.325
Module 18
Image Base: 0x5e070000  Image Size: 0x000bf000
File Size:  773968      File Time:  2011-06-11_055852
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.40219.325
   ProdVer:    10.0.40219.325
Module 19
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\steam_api.dll
Image Base: 0x5f500000  Image Size: 0x00032000
File Size:  187584      File Time:  2016-09-04_202440
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam Client API
   FileDesc:   Steam Client API
Module 20
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Plugins\CSteamworks.dll
Image Base: 0x5f540000  Image Size: 0x00023000
File Size:  132960      File Time:  2016-09-04_202554
   Company:    Riley Labrecque
   Product:    CSteamworks
   FileDesc:   A C ABI wrapper for Steamworks
Module 21
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\CSERHelper.dll
Image Base: 0x60000000  Image Size: 0x00021000
File Size:  122864      File Time:  2008-11-12_134356
   Company:    Valve
   Product:    CSER Helper
   FileDesc:   Debug Helper Routines
Module 22
Image Base: 0x604a0000  Image Size: 0x00089000
File Size:  538112      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DirectSound
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 23
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\tier0_s.dll
Image Base: 0x606d0000  Image Size: 0x00111000
File Size:  280352      File Time:  2016-10-12_215836
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:     tier0_s Dynamic Link Library
   FileDesc:   tier0_s Dynamic Link Library
Module 24
Image Base: 0x649c0000  Image Size: 0x0036c000
File Size:  3460816     File Time:  2016-08-27_002904
   Company:    NVIDIA Corporation
   Product:    NVIDIA Windows drivers
   FileDesc:   NVIDIA NVAPI Library, Version 369.09 
Module 25
Image Base: 0x64d30000  Image Size: 0x00179000
File Size:  1542600     File Time:  2016-01-22_225402
   Company:    NVIDIA Corporation
   Product:    NVIDIA GeForce Experience
   FileDesc:   NVIDIA Capture Server Proxy
Module 26
Image Base: 0x65e40000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  23552       File Time:  2016-07-16_074302
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Security Support Provider Interface
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 27
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\vstdlib_s.dll
Image Base: 0x67a10000  Image Size: 0x00056000
File Size:  284960      File Time:  2016-10-12_215836
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam
   FileDesc:   vstdlib_ s.dll
Module 28
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI.dll
Image Base: 0x68f90000  Image Size: 0x000c1000
File Size:  720744      File Time:  2016-01-22_204714
   Company:    NVIDIA Corporation
   Product:    NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision
   FileDesc:   NVIDIA 3D Vision Control Panel API
Module 29
Image Base: 0x69160000  Image Size: 0x00084000
File Size:  527880      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 30
Image Base: 0x69700000  Image Size: 0x00dcd000
File Size:  14767816    File Time:  2016-08-27_002906
   Company:    NVIDIA Corporation
   Product:    NVIDIA Windows WDDM D3D driver
   FileDesc:   NVIDIA WDDM D3D Driver, Version 369.09 
Module 31
Image Base: 0x6d6f0000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  13312       File Time:  2016-07-16_074302
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Remote Access AutoDial Helper
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 32
Image Base: 0x6d920000  Image Size: 0x00049000
File Size:  279040      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   FWP/IPsec User-Mode API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 33
Image Base: 0x6ec60000  Image Size: 0x00075000
File Size:  457728      File Time:  2016-07-16_074306
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft UxTheme Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 34
Image Base: 0x6f5e0000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  18944       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft MIDI Mapper
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 35
Image Base: 0x6f5f0000  Image Size: 0x00018000
File Size:  90912       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft ACM Audio Filter
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 36
Image Base: 0x6f610000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  24576       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Sound Mapper
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 37
Image Base: 0x6f620000  Image Size: 0x000cf000
File Size:  846560      File Time:  2016-10-15_001810
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Base Types DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 38
Image Base: 0x6f6f0000  Image Size: 0x0007b000
File Size:  484584      File Time:  2016-10-15_011148
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Audio Session
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 39
Image Base: 0x6f770000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  20672       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User CSA Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 40
Image Base: 0x6f780000  Image Size: 0x00009000
File Size:  29448       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multimedia Realtime Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 41
Image Base: 0x6f790000  Image Size: 0x00039000
File Size:  207360      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Winmm  audio system driver
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 42
Image Base: 0x6f7d0000  Image Size: 0x0014f000
File Size:  1375456     File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Windows® Search
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Property System
   FileVer:    7.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    7.0.14393.0
Module 43
Image Base: 0x6f920000  Image Size: 0x00058000
File Size:  352768      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MMDevice API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 44
Image Base: 0x70cd0000  Image Size: 0x00014000
File Size:  63488       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DHCP Client Service
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 45
Image Base: 0x70cf0000  Image Size: 0x00013000
File Size:  57344       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DHCPv6 Client
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 46
Image Base: 0x72940000  Image Size: 0x0002f000
File Size:  184416      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 47
Image Base: 0x72970000  Image Size: 0x00013000
File Size:  68720       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Cryptographic Service Provider API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 48
Image Base: 0x72990000  Image Size: 0x0001f000
File Size:  113504      File Time:  2016-09-15_131352
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 49
Image Base: 0x729b0000  Image Size: 0x0015f000
File Size:  1424488     File Time:  2016-10-15_001128
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Direct3D 9 Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 50
Image Base: 0x72d40000  Image Size: 0x00023000
File Size:  131208      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Base Multimedia Extension API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 51
Image Base: 0x72d70000  Image Size: 0x0007c000
File Size:  496872      File Time:  2016-09-15_133716
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DNS Client API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 52
Image Base: 0x730c0000  Image Size: 0x00024000
File Size:  135376      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MCI API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 53
Image Base: 0x730f0000  Image Size: 0x0001a000
File Size:  94568       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Userenv
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 54
Image Base: 0x74330000  Image Size: 0x0004e000
File Size:  306016      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 55
Image Base: 0x74380000  Image Size: 0x000a0000
File Size:  636928      File Time:  2016-10-14_234418
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows HTTP Services
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 56
Image Base: 0x744a0000  Image Size: 0x0002f000
File Size:  184416      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   IP Helper API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 57
Image Base: 0x74620000  Image Size: 0x00022000
File Size:  132232      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Device Information Set DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 58
Image Base: 0x74650000  Image Size: 0x00028000
File Size:  154432      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT MARTA provider
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 59
Image Base: 0x74680000  Image Size: 0x0001b000
File Size:  106896      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 60
Image Base: 0x74710000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  27360       File Time:  2016-07-16_074306
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 61
Image Base: 0x74720000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  31528       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Base cryptographic API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 62
Image Base: 0x74730000  Image Size: 0x0001e000
File Size:  117240      File Time:  2016-09-26_080634
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Security Support Provider Interface
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.187
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.187
Module 63
Image Base: 0x74760000  Image Size: 0x0017d000
File Size:  1556712     File Time:  2016-10-15_001840
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Crypto API32
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 64
Image Base: 0x748e0000  Image Size: 0x00211000
File Size:  2166232     File Time:  2016-10-15_001802
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft COM for Windows
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 65
Image Base: 0x74b00000  Image Size: 0x0007b000
File Size:  498408      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 66
Image Base: 0x74b80000  Image Size: 0x00006000
File Size:  17048       File Time:  2016-07-16_074246
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Process Status Helper
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 67
Image Base: 0x74b90000  Image Size: 0x00025000
File Size:  144632      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 68
Image Base: 0x74c80000  Image Size: 0x013d9000
File Size:  20969928    File Time:  2016-10-15_001510
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Shell Common Dll
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 69
Image Base: 0x76060000  Image Size: 0x001a1000
File Size:  1705976     File Time:  2016-10-05_060326
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.321
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.321
Module 70
Image Base: 0x76210000  Image Size: 0x0000f000
File Size:  54752       File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User Profile Basic API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 71
Image Base: 0x76220000  Image Size: 0x00077000
File Size:  482392      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Advanced Windows 32 Base API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 72
Image Base: 0x762a0000  Image Size: 0x00015000
File Size:  79536       File Time:  2016-09-26_080622
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Win32u
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.51
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.51
Module 73
Image Base: 0x76400000  Image Size: 0x00088000
File Size:  549088      File Time:  2016-07-16_074244
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   SHCORE
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 74
Image Base: 0x76490000  Image Size: 0x000e0000
File Size:  918304      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 75
Image Base: 0x76570000  Image Size: 0x0015f000
File Size:  1435896     File Time:  2016-10-15_001124
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 76
Image Base: 0x766d0000  Image Size: 0x0015b000
File Size:  1415752     File Time:  2016-09-15_131404
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   GDI Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 77
Image Base: 0x768d0000  Image Size: 0x00041000
File Size:  255168      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 78
Image Base: 0x76920000  Image Size: 0x000be000
File Size:  773168      File Time:  2016-07-16_074250
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT CRT DLL
   FileVer:    7.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 79
Image Base: 0x76a30000  Image Size: 0x00036000
File Size:  213848      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Configuration Manager DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 80
Image Base: 0x76a70000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  20152       File Time:  2016-07-16_074228
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   NSI User-mode interface DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 81
Image Base: 0x76a80000  Image Size: 0x0000d000
File Size:  43416       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   AppModel API Host
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 82
Image Base: 0x76a90000  Image Size: 0x0040b000
File Size:  4268368     File Time:  2016-07-16_074246
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Setup API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 83
Image Base: 0x76ea0000  Image Size: 0x0000e000
File Size:  49080       File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   ASN.1 Runtime APIs
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 84
Image Base: 0x76fa0000  Image Size: 0x00084000
File Size:  528360      File Time:  2016-07-16_074248
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   COM+ Configuration Catalog
   FileVer:    2001.12.10941.16384
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 85
Image Base: 0x77030000  Image Size: 0x00063000
File Size:  402352      File Time:  2016-09-15_133706
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 86
Image Base: 0x77210000  Image Size: 0x0002b000
File Size:  170960      File Time:  2016-09-15_132320
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   GDI Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 87
Image Base: 0x77240000  Image Size: 0x0056e000
File Size:  5722320     File Time:  2016-09-15_132242
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft WinRT Storage API
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.206
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.206
Module 88
Image Base: 0x777b0000  Image Size: 0x0005a000
File Size:  367208      File Time:  2016-07-16_074228
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 89
Image Base: 0x77810000  Image Size: 0x000e0000
File Size:  616048      File Time:  2016-07-16_074246
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 90
Image Base: 0x778f0000  Image Size: 0x00046000
File Size:  284056      File Time:  2016-07-16_074304
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Shell Light-weight Utility Library
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 91
Image Base: 0x77940000  Image Size: 0x00094000
File Size:  601712      File Time:  2016-10-15_003258
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OLEAUT32.DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 92
Image Base: 0x779e0000  Image Size: 0x00019000
File Size:  93984       File Time:  2016-07-16_074228
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT Image Helper
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 93
Image Base: 0x77a60000  Image Size: 0x000ea000
File Size:  959112      File Time:  2016-10-15_001512
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft OLE for Windows
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 94
Image Base: 0x77b50000  Image Size: 0x000c1000
File Size:  790760      File Time:  2016-09-26_080634
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Remote Procedure Call Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.82
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.82
Module 95
Image Base: 0x77c20000  Image Size: 0x00045000
File Size:  275832      File Time:  2016-07-16_074256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Power Profile Helper DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.0
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.0
Module 96
Image Base: 0x77c70000  Image Size: 0x00182000
File Size:  1570680     File Time:  2016-10-15_003300
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   NT Layer DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.14393.351
   ProdVer:    10.0.14393.351
Module 97
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.dll
Image Base: 0x77ec0000  Image Size: 0x00139000
File Size:  380704      File Time:  2016-10-12_215828
== [end of error.log] ==
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