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Medusa Mask can be played after BYA; can't be canceled



- I encountered Longtooth with Medusa Mask in my hand, I was offered to Evade or Encounter, I chose to Encounter

- I rolled Longtooth's BYA Dexterity check

- Longtooth tolled his damage from the failed BYA check

- I was presented with the Combat check; the Medusa Mask was glowing as playable in my hand (Bug 1: it shouldn't be playable at this point of the encounter)

- I mistakenly played the Medusa Mask; Longtooth immediately disappeared back into the location deck; I had both the Cancel (left of screen) and Confirm (right of scree) buttons available; pressing the X to cancel did nothing, I could only Confirm (Bug 2: I should be able to cancel the Medusa Mask and the evasion, and the evaded monster should not shuffle back until I press Confirm; alternatively, much more user unfriendly, I shouldn't be presented with a Cancel button at all)


You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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