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Store mode: no experience


4 answers to this question

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I haven't understood mate.

You are playing Story mode, then the game has stopped to give you experience to level up and you have deleted party and characters (resetting Story mode)?


I can just think to uninstall the game if you haven't already done (but you ll lose Story data). After that try to connect with an other devise or emulator and check if problem is still there.


In case try to give more info about the problem mate.

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Yes, this isn't clear. But I think you are talking about easy and medium difficultly no longer give gold. Yes, that is correct. once you gone through it once no party regardless how many time you reinstall will gain gold for additional  pass-through for those difficultly. You can only gain gold in the hardest difficultly for winning an adventure.

Still wait for Patch Banana Bundle :getlost:

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Thanks for the answers. And sorry, my speak english not very good.

Problem not in gold. Problem in levels of characters (1-40 level). Since a certain moment, they don't raise in level. It has begun when I have bought Ezran, but I am not sure that the problem in it.

On end of the scenario, characters remain with... former level. At animation, destruction the monster cards, experience charge is also not shown. In Quest-mode not problem. All good. 

I reinstalled a game, but it it hasn't helped. Unfortunately, I can't check on other device now. My login only through GameCenter, I don't have other device with IOS. 

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There is a directory in your device where game data is stored and that includes Quest data too (with levels, decks, unlocked abilities, ..). Perhaps data could be corrupted and game can't update it correctly.

If you have already reinstalled the game, you should have reset the Quest data (all characters start from lvl 0 again). Otherwise, you have to delete (or move away) the data directory manually (if you still find you old characters in the Quest mode).

I don't know the directory location in iOS.


If the game reads experience earned from server (hypothesis) there could be a problem in login session or client-server communication.


But I think we need developers tech support for a better help.

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