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Bug: Ezren's expanded spell book + summoned creature.



First, I know expanded spell book is bugged with display spells, by not allowing you to draw after a spell is displayed. This bug is possibly an extension of that.


During quest mode, Ezren displayed toxic cloud to help Harsk kill a Kreeg ogre at the farm house. The close location dialog box popped up and I switched to Ezren to draw a card from the Thassilonian Dungeon power. I successfully drew a card, then clicked the yes button to close the location. a werewolf was summoned, but then the buttons for expanded spell book popped asking if I want to proceed without using powers. This normally does not happen as the power is bugged. I of course tried to use expanded spell book and the werewolf was displayed at the front of my deck (or maybe to location deck?), From there I closed the deck display, a card was not drawn and everything proceeded as normal.


Hopefully this helps gives some insight to be able to solve the ezren bug.

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