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Hi guys !


At first i want to mention that im a big fan of all the D&D games even early more then BG, Since Might and Magic , Ultima Series and etc.


I have played BG1 and BG2 and IWD from day 1, amazing plot to the game ofcourse, D&D 2nd Edition in forgottern realms world, even though i always was a Dragonlance fan =] but still it was amazing.


POE(Pillars of eternity) goes beyond that, amazing graphics by my opinion and the most amazing thing its the robes(and i think it will be good if in the secoend edition it will be allowed robes and necklaces togheter) and none of supression.

The Endless paths of OD NUA is amazing, striking and hard stop to play it, the defiance bay gilded vale and dyrwood amazing too even thogh that i slightly thinks thats little bit confusing but thats only me(and its not critisise to this amazing and perfect CRPG up to date. 


As an accountant with knoweldge at softare and d&d i think i can add a lot to obsidian develop team.


Keep the amazing work and in touch to.

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