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[1.04] Two-Handed Style Talent is broken



After discovering that the Weapon Mastery talents were broken, I'm now checking all the passive, damage-related talents that I normally take.


Lo and behold, Two-Handed Style is also broken.


Before (Kana w/Estoc)




After (Kana w/Estoc)




Base damage and applied damage are the same in both screens. 


Please fix. :)

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Both talents are working fine ..   


20 Qstaff  
27% might bonus 15% two handed weapons bonus (tested to work with other occasion)   15%  peasant weapon mastery
31.4 consistent hit damage in combat log
20 * (1 + 0.27 + 0.15 + 0.15 )  = 31.4  // Fits like a glove  - ability works .. LCS displays weapon range as 31- 31(correctly) ... 
Won't bother running the numbers on your screen shots , only to warn you that the weapon information display screen is "lying" (displays enchantment on weapon as applied to base damage , probably form an earlier stage of development )  ..  
You can read up on this thread to learn how weapon damage is calculated in Pillars of Eternity  ..  https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78239-abilities-various-other-damage-related-mechanics-revealed/
Based on the weapon info screen for enchanted weapons NONE of the damage bonuses in the game work .. Which is obviously false (as , among other things my numerous, precise in-game numeric tests have shown). The problem is with the enchanted weapon display that erroneously adds enchantments on weapon on its base damage .. 
very short video explaining the actual problem http://youtu.be/SQCZuGbW5nE
Edited by peddroelm


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