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[1.04] Dunryd Psion - bonuses bug?



The Dunryd Psion special hireling costs 200 to hire and 100 per day, but his bonuses (-2 prestige, +2 security) are worse than the basic hirelings.  Perhaps the prestige bonus is intended to be positive?  Otherwise he's useless, unless he's involved in some secret event or something...



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Another stronghold hireling bug: With only Fellow of Waidwen hired, I was paying 450cp every pay-day.  Then I hired 7 more hirelings in addition, and now I just paid 350cp on pay-day.


EDIT: another example:

With fellow of waidwen, aedyran noble lady, and 7 regular hirelings I paid 1800cp on payday.  Then I reloaded and with the same hirelings I paid only 300cp on payday.  Must have something to do with the "currently unpaid" thing.

Edited by pacman
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Hey Aarik,


I think there was another thread along these lines, but I can't seem to find it. Were you able to get any guidance from the team, re: the rationale for some of these hireling fees?


I guess I'm trying to understand how these fees are calculated/justified



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