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Figurines Lost from Quick Items after Dismissing



Had given Sagani the following summon figurines


Oaken Scarab Figurine

Iridescent Scarab Figurine

Ebony Spider Figurine


Returned to Caed Nua and dismissed her.

Recruited someone else (Grieving Mother).


Went into The Endless Paths of Old Nua for quite some time.


Returned, traded out Grieving Mother for Sagani, found all the figurines are gone.


The following Hyperlinked Zip file contains an earlier save file where she had them, and the last save file where I found she does not.

It contains the other requested files as well.




Probably the first time in the whole game did I consider rage-quitting, but I am so close to finishing I will carry on, but to loose all those cool items and not be able to repurchase them...ouch!  Fortunately I had not purchased the delegman one in Defiance Bay, so picked that up and made sure its on my character so it cannot be lost.

4 answers to this question

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I had this same problem and reproduced similar. I swapped out companions to clear the 'perma-blind' icon and later noticed inventory is missing. I happened to lose Ivory Wurm, Oaken Scarab, and Obsidian Lamp figurines.

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Interestingly, I lost the adra beetle to Sagani's quick item slot, but none of the other party member's lose theirs.


I'm wondering if this is specific to her. 

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its a knwn issue

and it hapens only/most often if you swap characters in the area where inactive characters are waiting (brighthollow/barracks/black hound inn)

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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