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Anyone else mute voice acting?

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First post here.


Absolutely no disrespect to the voice actors, who I think have done an excellent job (especially given the difficulties of a 'fantsy' script and no real animation to back them up), but does anyone else here just immediately hit mute whenever voice acting kicks in?  Maybe it is an impatience thing, but I can always read the text far faster than the actors can deliver it.  Bizarrely enough I find the voice acting break immersion, rather than creating it (since we're staring at pretty abstract characters and designs, unlike something like Skyrim where you're very much 'in the world').


Either way, i'm genuinely enjoying the game...it is having a pretty deleterious effect on my productivity at the moment!  Great job Obsidian!

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I've been thinking about it, but argh... There are parts of the game I want to be voiced still. The baddie has a fantastic voice that I think makes his character come alive, I want the narration and there are other voiceacting moments I want to stay.


Generally speaking I agree with you though, especially in a game like this with the descriptive text going, I find it kinda clashes with the voiceacting at times.


I wish I could turn the majority of it off, but keep the choice bits I want to hear. :)

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Yeah, and I think at its worst it contradicts the description. Like the actor is obviously *not* doing the action that is being described when talking so it all comes off as rather weird. It's too bad.


It's been brought up before but yeah, I hope they have less voiceacting for upcoming releases. I think it can certainly work to have a really good voice for the most important characters (again, the baddie here has a great voice that helps bring him "alive") but there is a lot of acting in this game that I don't feel is particularly... necessary and sometimes detrimental to the experience.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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