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[Bug] Traps



I play single char and really helpful thing would be to place traps if I know the fight is ahead...

But everytime I place trap and try to place another the first one just vanishes into thin air.

I can understand if I want to place traps on top of each other the character needs to disarm the last one and put another, but two traps that are away form each?


And here is a little comic to show you how this bug works...


I can't see the attached file myself... Don't know if I made something wrong, but preview shows there is image...
Now it shows images... I better stop messing with it.


Edited by Lorthiz
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4 answers to this question

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Not a bug. Each character can have one trap active at a time. If you want multiple active traps, either pick up additonal party members or play a priest (1 physical trap and one warding spell)

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That is pretty dumb... They support playing a whole team of chanters/conjurers but don't support playing solo or making stealth characters? Even if they added achievs for it(solo)?

I understand it's a new system they created but there is so many flaws. One trap? No stealth for rogues or true escape from combat to hide in shadows? Backstabs are mostly pointless becouse you need to put whole team to stealth and endanger only one character with stealth abilities becouse at the beggining of a fight everyone leaves stealth? Builds that not only allows wielding 2h big weapons by thiefs but are only true paths for a thief to be usefull at all?

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Not dumb at all. This is a spirtual successor to the old party based games. It's designed to be played with a party. That you can solo doesn't mean the game needs to be balanced for solo play. Regardless of how you feel about it, the issue you reported isn't a bug.

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Hey Lorthiz,


Achilles is correct. You can only place one trap per party member. There are also multiple moves for Stealth Rogues to use their sneakiness. Give Escape, Shadowing Beyond, and Coordinated Positioning a whirl.


Good luck

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