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UI is not updating after re-equipping an item



I've recently tried to compare effects of an equipped item to see what was clashing with my equipment (BTW, would be great to see what is being suppressed in an item's tooltip once it is equipped; instead of having to go to the character sheet).


Using a "Minor Ring of Protection":

1. Equip the ring (The effects of the ring should now be applied)

2. Click, and drag (Aka, hold M1 button down), the equipped ring out of the item slot (The effects of the ring should now stop)

3. Release the click and drag over an invalid equipment slot (The armor slot, for example)

4. The Ring should now "jump" back to it's previous location. The defences section of the equipped items seems to indicate that the "Minor Ring of Protection" is not effecting the character (However, re-opening the inventory sheet will show the correct number).

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