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Well, I mentioned high level of micromanagement in my suggestion. If you don't like it, yes you can mix in some auto attack dps and still do just fine. I like having 2 strong aoe casters in the party though. That means wizard + druid or 2x wiz or 2x druid since cipher doesn't do as much burst for important fights (at least before high levels). it's fun to cast several aoe nukes in a boss fight and proceed to collect the loot. 1 caster doesn't always cut it.



Right, forgot about the main character bonuses. 


Also might checks from the little I played are sometimes together with reputation loss, I don't like it. I don't think I'll miss much from dexterity and endurance either. 

Can chanters be tanks though? They don't seem like a tank class, they're basically bards. 




Tell me more about how you PoTD without tanks because i am not convinced at ALL 


Edit : Anyway OP wanted advice about making party he got a detailed one from me , you could also help him instead of generating useless discussion with phrases from my post , and writing like X+X + Fighter+cipher+X + X is great party .

Quite easily. And you stated this discussion yourself, I wan't even replying to your post initially.


As for OP's question I would go with a safer option,  smth like Chanter + Fighter + Cipher + Druid + Wizard + Priest if you don't mind learning and using a lot of spells. Rangers/rogues do not contribute anything that vital in my experience for big parties. Priest can still shoot trash mobs just fine, but his spells are much more effective in big fights etc. Train the chanter or the cipher pick locks to be the "thief", both get mechanics 1 at start.



I am not giving up the Ranger's pet! That thing makes fights so much easier, I just pull things where I want them and trigger fights on my own terms without risking characters dying.  


In Raedric's hold I used a pet to talk to him, the pet died, then pulled them few at a time where I wanted them. 


Pet can be quite useful for nuking indeed. I usually just nuke the fighter if I have one, they have good chances to survive it and if they don't... well, sorry buddy :).

I still recommend taking 2 nukers, so you can swap chanter or cipher for a ranger I think.

Edited by MadDemiurg
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It really depends on a playstyle when you get hang of PoE , atm i am runing 2 Buffer tanks ( Chanter and Pally ) 2 Ranged Marksmans ( Aumaua Gunner and Wood Elf Rogue ) and 2 Spell Casters ( Priest for Heals Buffs and some mild AoE and a Wizard full on flame on aoe ) idealy i would like melee dpser instead of one of marksmans but i just cant stand how melee movement etc works after releasing pause in this game so id rather not . Funny thing is most micromanagement goes to a ranger when a fight starts ( 4 Quick Switches ) then priest would be second wizard third , and rogue becomes micromanagent heavy on a boss fights where i need to move alot and rotate the debuffs so i keep doing increased damage , both tanks are prety much afk hitters with few skills so they dont require anything tbh ) .

Every guy in the party has specific task except the tanks ofc who like stand there and chill mostly , Ranger takes down biggest threats almost instantly 4 quick switches with blunderbusses is just to cruel , rogue always dpses targets that wont die  from rangers burst and needs to be tanked , while wizard can either help with single target or start aoe clearing with a priest helping him and healing the party at the same time ( Holy Radiance with Max Intelect and Might and talent that makes it damage aswell as healing spell is a great aoe nuke ) 


Edit : Ranger Pet has like thousand uses only your imagination can stop you :D if i dont use him to make tanking wall then i use my pet to protect Marksmans from mobs that get trough so he can pick agro while marksmans leg it , lion is great for protecting your backline 

Edited by Exoduss
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