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[ITALIAN] Translation errors or missing translations



Hello i want to bring to your attention some misstranslation for the italian version of Pillars of Eternity:


First, into the menu where you can choose the resolution of the monitor, the word resolution as been translated as ARDIMENTO, this is wrong, resoluiton must be translated RISOLUZIONE in this case, and the word ardimento is a synonymus of bold or corageous, not resolute


Second, if you select a weapon of a piece of armor with the right mouse button, the world ENCHANTING is not translated.

After you press the Enchaning button and enter the menu, the Enchant button is translated as INCANTAZIONE, is not wrong but is a really old term, the most used italian word for enchanting is INCANTAMENTO.



Hoping  that those info can be usefull i give you my best regards.

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