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I won't tell you how many hours I stayed on the Character creation's screen, because I've not finished yet.
So, I have very important questions (for me :p) about the clothes :
- Can I buy the basic clothes from other cultures in the game ? I like one, except its lore and stat. (I play monk so basic clothes mean something for me)
- Can we change the color of others clothes in the game ?


- Does culture has a real influence on conversations or is it just the little stat ?

Not sure about the clothes. As for the culture, it actually influences things throughout the game. I don't think you're going to walk into a town and have everyone suddenly bow to you and name you their lord and savior just because you're part of a particular background/culture, but it will actually affect things here and there. Some of those things will affect other things, etc. :)

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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