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Summoned Skeletons won't go away.

hank morgan


Description: 3 Skeletons summoned by my PC chanter did not vanish after the first combat with the beetles. (it was my first time using the ability so I assume they are supposed to vanish after combat) They persisted through three or four fights until 2 of them were hit by the combat freeze bug. After all that I could not travel between maps.



I'm seeing the following lines in the output_log

CRE_Skeletal_Fighter_Summon(Clone) doesn't have a CompanionInstanceID. This is okay for pets, not named companions!


I don't think I did anything special to cause this. It was a fresh game. Path of Iron so there was no saving and loading. I had visited all the buidlings in the village and had completed cat&mouse. I was however using a custom chant on the chanter. I think it was the speed buff, fire buff and stamina drain.







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Following on from this I restarted the game and resumed the save. The skeletons were gone and I could proceed into the eastern dungeon. When I cast the summon again 6 skeletons appeared and then the game crashed. Path of iron so I'm afraid I have no save game to share.

Edited by hank morgan
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I've encountered a similar problem. I summoned a wind blight that:


  • never dies/unconjures
  • often refuses to move at all (but not always) - well it never actually took part in a fight, except (maybe, not sure) the one I summoned it for
  • moves at half the speed of other party members, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that it...
  • ... is actually considered a party member, meaning that my heroes can't leave a map without it!
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