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Ok ive been thinking lately of upping my pledge because im really itching to have a physical box withthe game and everything inside. Before i go much farther in my ponderings, im wondering since obsidian has a publisher now to handle the physical copies of the kickstarter backers....does this mean the publisher will also start selling physical copies for those that didnt?

I am already getting 2 copies which im using one for the beta on steam and im giving away the other. Now before any "GOG vs Steam" BS gets spewed, i have no problem whatsoever with either one. I just want a physical copy to have and hold....yes im weird like that. I will most likely install the game on another friends computer if there is an option to buy.


So my question is, will the publisher sell physical copies to nonkickstarter backers AND will the stradegy guide also be for sale as a physical copy? Im not to keen on pdfs when it comes to books or stradegy guides etc so i woukd really like a physical copy of each. My question is do i have to up my donation to get it or will it be for sale after the game is released in physical form?

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