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Top-Down Sci-Fi Shooter MOBA (Idea)


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An idea, something I'd like to see in a MOBA. Something like League of Legends/DOTA or any other top-down MOBA out there, competetive gaming. But the key difference between all of those is that this wouldn't be a Champion or Role specific MOBA, instead it would be based on Items. Depending on what you buy you fulfill a role. Item-Based Classes.

You'd also have a Character Creation, where you can build your character height, weight, eye color and so on. The bigger the character the more health but slower attack speed. The Character could be editted between games, like Masteries/Runes, for different types of plays between games. This way you'd play with your own Character that you've made and build it to become the class you enjoy to play through items.


- Different competetive maps, with more level designs similar to Counter-Strike, Battlefield and similar instead of having just 3 lanes like in League of Legends or DOTA. More variants for maps.

- 5v5, soldiers vs soldiers.
- Minion waves are army robots~
- Jungle minions could be beasts and aliens, as well as some robotic technological stuff

General Idea and Difference:
- You start off as a standard infantryman and build your character through items.
- A bot support could grab an early game drone that heals.
- An adc gets a pistol, some ammo and a knife
- A mid character might start with a rocket launcher, and then eventually build a one-man tank
- A top or jungle player could get some trapping nets and some melee weapons/armor and/or muscle stims

- Everytime you level up, your items you have equipped also levels up. So you become better and gain abilities with equipped items.
- Ammo is limited, which means that you will have to conserve your ammonution for last hits and 

What do you think? Do you know anything like it? In Dota and LoL and most MOBA's I know you pick a champion that has a couple of abilities already, but what if you got to create a character yourself and fight with that character on the battlefield?

I've thrown around a similar idea for Diablo 3, and I think that Diablo 3 would benefit a lot from a MOBA-like PvP mode, where it could be Hell vs Heaven and you control your own hero.

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